If there is still a plated through hole (meaning the plating is still inside that hole) and if there is the other side of that pad on the bottom still intact (usually any plated through hole meant to solder a wire/pin to will be like this) then maybe. Somewhere on that side or the bottom side there should be a trace that was/is attached to the connection spot and if the pad is still connected and you still have your through plating in the hole that lifted pad wont matter. If on the other hand the connection is in between the printed circuit board layers and the connection to that pad was through the plated through hole portion, again it should work fine. But if the pad lifted is the one that was connected to the trace that wire/pin is supposed to feed, or if the through plating is gone from the hole, it will be very difficult and wouldn't be reliable even if epoxied, but...
Usually the "trace" portion is under a conformal coating of some type, usually that looks like a green coating (or some other color, brown, red, I have seen a few) that is very thin and somewhat translucent. If carefully you can find the trace, scrape off the conformal coating to expose the tinned or untinned trace material, and have the soldering skill, you could solder a wire to that trace and create a new connection. Then maybe epoxy that down so it couldn't move, it would work.
Bottom line for me is it's a lot of delicate work, won't be repairable or reliable due to the trace thickness/width epoxy etc (due to vibration), and I would be putting a lot of other good parts in jeopardy by having it control the quad. There is a lot of ifs there and only you can decide what your soldering skill level and confidence is compared to getting another receiver.