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Looking for a new transmitter

Jack D.

Dec 12, 2016
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Hey I'm looking to get a new racing drone transmitter. I would like to stay under $250. Any suggestions?
This one seems to be the most popular right now. \/\/\/
FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST Taranis X9D PLUS Telemetry Transmitter w/X8R Receiver & Case [FRKX9DPLUS-CASE] | Airplanes

If you look around, you could probably pic up one of these (used) for a good price. And there seems to be good support for Spektrum with FC's
Spektrum RC DX6 2.4GHz DSMX 6-Channel Radio System (Transmitter Only) [SPMR6750] | Airplanes

This will most likely be my next Tx
Spektrum RC DX8 G2 Transmitter w/Quad Racing Serial Receiver [SPM8010] | Airplanes
This one seems to be the most popular right now. \/\/\/
FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST Taranis X9D PLUS Telemetry Transmitter w/X8R Receiver & Case [FRKX9DPLUS-CASE] | Airplanes

If you look around, you could probably pic up one of these (used) for a good price. And there seems to be good support for Spektrum with FC's
Spektrum RC DX6 2.4GHz DSMX 6-Channel Radio System (Transmitter Only) [SPMR6750] | Airplanes

This will most likely be my next Tx
Spektrum RC DX8 G2 Transmitter w/Quad Racing Serial Receiver [SPM8010] | Airplanes
Hey I'm looking to get a new racing drone transmitter. I would like to stay under $250. Any suggestions?
Basically any 6 channel radio will be OK - they start around us$60 - BUt it all depends on what your future plans are. I took my own advice and have ended up with a cheapo that was a waste of time and money - a Devo 10 - I thought was too complicated for me - but I did not allow any learning time and wanted to "Plug-n-Play - now after a sitting idel for a few months - I use it and in fact its a very good 10 channel radio but my main radio is a Turnigy i10 which has a more visual "tuning! dispplay and currently sells around the $250 mark.
The Taranis is the radio of most of the top guns - Spektrum is second I think.... but you have to decide if you are in for the long haul or just trying it out to see if you can fly the racers. Better to get the top radio and save having a collection - as most of us now have - and the good side is-- a Taranis will always sell if you opt out for a life with the dog at your feet and the TV.
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How about the TBS Tango
Or the Turnigy Evolution?

Unless you are planning on backpacking then, other than their compact size, I really don't see the benefit in either one. I haven't done any research on either (not interested), but rumors I've heard are that they are only programmable through PC?
Anybody interested in the Turnigy - TGY i10 radio....its on discount at around us$90 - I just got another for au$126.
I was about to buy a spare batter for my existing TGY i10 cost au$23 + shipping and another 10 chnl RC the TGYi10A cost au$25 + shipping so these two would have cost me around au$60 - so for the extra au$66 I decided it a good deal to get another radio!

Check out HobbyKing - there is also the FlySjy version FSi10 - but that is prices around the au$250 area.
Programming is more visual and ( to me ) far far easier than the way I see my Devo 10 - which I have never really used apart from early setup checking in Nov/Dec 2015 and may decide to sell it off.

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