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Lost Mach 25 drone


I've got a good Brother label maker that can do very small printing. I put my FCC number on all of my birds just to stay legal. I don't want to give "The Man" any reason to screw with me. Personal choice, of course.

I just imagine me going through someone car window and casually walking away with my remote, goggle, and bag like nothing happened lol.
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You know actually I have it on my vortex only because I could get it on the inside out of sight.

I've got a good Brother label maker that can do very small printing. I put my FCC number on all of my birds just to stay legal. I don't want to give "The Man" any reason to screw with me. Personal choice, of course.


I fly in close proximity to a major military airbase. I am in legal distance from the runway. But I'm also directly inline with the approach. I expect the local PoPo to show up at any time. So I always carry and post FCC rules and numbers. Just in case.
When it comes down to it, most cops have no idea what they are dealing with. If the cop wants to be a **** he going to be and he will find something to get you on whether it's bs or legit. If some cop comes and ask me to leave I'm not going to argue with him on the legality of my drone. I'm gonna pack up and go to one of a thousand places to fly. Plus if I need to, not that it's a sure thing to work but I'll drop the "oh...I'm a firefighter just having some time on my time off" line which might get me some lenience.
Ya I'm not going to argue either. But I will have a long drive to a location where flying would be less obvious. So I'll at least plead my case before I leave. Even if I get "hauled in". It may be worth the effort so that I don't have to drive 30 minutes just to fly.
Ghillie suit lol
Yike! First time to heard "flyaway" and I've research about it.. now I am worry! Heh

Your drone, it may fly in one direction for 10 min.. at 20 mph mean about 20 minute walk away from location of lost contact.. too large area to search!

Or it may hang on in the tree... making a nest for bird.

In my experience ( ground remote controller ) I always test my transmitter to find out how far it can reach it limit before go fast. Once it lost of control I know how far it was and keep it within half way of whole range. Farther it go, more battery drain. Fact!
Yike! First time to heard "flyaway" and I've research about it.. now I am worry! Heh

Your drone, it may fly in one direction for 10 min.. at 20 mph mean about 20 minute walk away from location of lost contact.. too large area to search!

Or it may hang on in the tree... making a nest for bird.

In my experience ( ground remote controller ) I always test my transmitter to find out how far it can reach it limit before go fast. Once it lost of control I know how far it was and keep it within half way of whole range. Farther it go, more battery drain. Fact!

Good idea about testing for max distance. Thanks.
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I've never had one. Just by looking at the price and the product itself you can build one way better for That price. If you don't want to build one there are still much better options for rtf - artf. For 19$ more you can get a vortex 150. they look pretty sweet and I have heard good things in all the reviews. Just one option. I'd consider trying something else.
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Thanks for the info!

Just some food for thought. Horizon Hobby is thought of (in certain circles) to mainly offer "introductory" models. They do have some higher end models and electronics. And none of their stuff is a complete POS. But, I agree that most of their stuff is designed around the beginner enthusiast. It's also said (in certain circles) that they pull you into being hooked on Spektrum products with their "introductory" models. And I also agree to that statement to some extent. I also believe that Spektrum has some very good high end stuff too. Spektrum has both good and bad qualities just like any other system out there.

You've had a small set-back. But you've had a taste of what this hobby is about. Use this setback to your benefit to decide where to go from here. Horizon Hobby products are excellent for what they are designed to do (get you in and get you learning). But, eventually you will want more than what they have to offer. Just my $0.02
Just some food for thought. Horizon Hobby is thought of (in certain circles) to mainly offer "introductory" models. They do have some higher end models and electronics. And none of their stuff is a complete POS. But, I agree that most of their stuff is designed around the beginner enthusiast. It's also said (in certain circles) that they pull you into being hooked on Spektrum products with their "introductory" models. And I also agree to that statement to some extent. I also believe that Spektrum has some very good high end stuff too. Spektrum has both good and bad qualities just like any other system out there.

You've had a small set-back. But you've had a taste of what this hobby is about. Use this setback to your benefit to decide where to go from here. Horizon Hobby products are excellent for what they are designed to do (get you in and get you learning). But, eventually you will want more than what they have to offer. Just my $0.02

Thanks for all the great info. I guess I was a little hasty in ordering another Mach 25 right after I lost the first one. Just wanted to cover my my growing addiction, and get something I already knew ;)
I know what you mean about Spectrum. After maybe 30 minutes of trying things over the phone, their support couldn't figure out why I could bind the quad but had no motor power, and they had no suggestions for fixing it. A nice guy at Chavez diagnosed it under 5 minutes (I think a wrong throttle assignment).
Then in answer to a flying question, they, as well as others, suggested I get a simulator. Later, I determined my Spektrum 6e has no ports to run a simulator. When I called back told them this....just silence. Knowing that I was a newb, Spectrum could have told me this when I ordered the 6e.
Thanks for all the great info..

I believe what your saying but, I've read so many reports about the great customer service with Spektrum / Horizon that I find it hard to believe that they couldn't help you. I have learned one lesson about their support. Usually (but in your case NOT), but usually they are very good at supporting all of their products that have been designed and tested by their R&D team to be compatible with each other. Like in your case, the Mach 25 doesn't list the DXe in the manual for programing. That doesn't mean that it won't work. It just means that they haven't tested and documented it. What they definitely will not help you with is when you are using their stuff outside of their "known" R&D. Possibly you just got a bad Tec that day???

Congrats on the new Mach 25. Maybe not the best choice? But definitely not a bad choice!

PS: Sim's are great tools. If you do invest in one, be sure to find one that is actually a sim and not just a game.
Wireless Simulator Interface : Simstick Pro: Spektrum, Futaba, JR, etc
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I believe what your saying but, I've read so many reports about the great customer service with Spektrum / Horizon that I find it hard to believe that they couldn't help you. I have learned one lesson about their support. Usually (but in your case NOT), but usually they are very good at supporting all of their products that have been designed and tested by their R&D team to be compatible with each other. What they definitely will not help you with is when you are using their stuff outside of their "known" R&D. Possibly you just got a bad Tec that day???

Congrats on the new Mach 25. Maybe not the best choice? But definitely not a bad choice!

PS: Sim's are great tools. If you do invest in one, be sure to find one that is actually a sim and not just a game.
Wireless Simulator Interface : Simstick Pro: Spektrum, Futaba, JR, etc

I have had several problems with their support when I flew helis. I've bought brand new helis from them only to have bad esc, prop motors, rx, and about every time they made me pay for a replacement part even though it came broke. They act like they are doing me a favor by selling it to me for half off. The only thing they replaced for free was a bad rx once. I like their products just their customer service is iffy depending on who you get and the mood they are in. I have had several helis and a Losi ebuggy and they were all great besides the customer service issues.
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Well I can say that I haven't had the best of luck with them either. But, in my case, I've asked questions that they do not support. I did find my answers elsewhere. And I feel like that they could have at least mentioned that there were solutions available. But a large portion of the comments about their service (that I have seen) have all been favorable.
Well I can say that I haven't had the best of luck with them either. But, in my case, I've asked questions that they do not support. I did find my answers elsewhere. And I feel like that they could have at least mentioned that there were solutions available. But a large portion of the comments about their service (that I have seen) have all been favorable.
I guess some of it may have to do with what product it is to. I remember when the vortex 250 first came out and it had some issues and horizon hobby tech support had no idea about what they were talking about. I remember whole forums about how stupid the tech were when it came to drones.
I guess some of it may have to do with what product it is to. I remember when the vortex 250 first came out and it had some issues and horizon hobby tech support had no idea about what they were talking about. I remember whole forums about how stupid the tech were when it came to drones.

Ya it's frustrating. But I can see that too. Especially since the V250 isn't really a Blade Product. I was tempted to purchase one myself. But I was really skeptical about support from Horizon about an Immersion product. And support from Immersion about Spektrum product. I think their relationship is superficial.

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