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lumener lux flight board receiver spektrum dsm2 wiring daigram


Mar 9, 2017
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I have a racing quad that has a lumener lux flight controller board and a fr sky x4r receiver on it now I need to change to a spectrum ar6100e that I have and have a spectrum dx 7se radio transmitter
Thnxs I have seen this manual for the board but I need a diagram showing what color of wire goes to receiver and what pin etc.
Connect it to the 3.3V UART. Check the FC manual to see which one it is. You need three wires: serial data, +5V, Ground. Insert servo connector to the serial port on the receiver and solder the other side to the FC, or solder pins and use servo connector..
Connect it to the 3.3V UART. Check the FC manual to see which one it is. You need three wires: serial data, +5V, Ground. Insert servo connector to the serial port on the receiver and solder the other side to the FC, or solder pins and use servo connector..
I have all the wires coming off of the flight controller board and are a servo connector I have 3 volts to power receiver but I don't know where to plug into a spektrum ar 6100e receiver I know where power goes but not from flight board colors I have are yellow red black with single servo connectors I have bound the radio to receiver but no motor movement and blue light on flight board
Here are some pics


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I have connected to beta flight and all motors seem to work ok the quad originally had a FR Sky x4r receiver I went into beta flight and changed to spektrum settings I don't know of anything else to change if so please let me know
Sorry I can't really see the labels on the receiver in the photo. I would expect 5V for powering the receiver, a ground, and a data connection to a 3.3V UART.
I also tried to test the radio connection on beta flight but didn't work either I don't know if this receiver will work on this quad I have tried to connect to ever pin connector on receiver none have worked
Does that receiver do serial connection? If so, use serial receiver, spektrum 1024 on the betaflight config tab. Maybe one of our spektrum guys will show up. I am a Radiolink man.
You may need a different UART than the FrSky used. I'm pretty sure some UARTs are 5V and some are 3.3V. I also think (but don't know for sure) that spektrum needs a 3.3V one. You will need to confirm with the manuals.
There isn't a diagram, there are only 3 wires: data, Power and Ground. The manual I posted has a pinout table. Read through that manual. Did you solder the serial receiver pads together on the back of the FC?
I just read through that receiver manual, it doesn't look like it Even does serial connection. That FC needs a serial receiver. I'm afraid you need a new receiver man. Sorry, I thought you said it was a serial receiver.
I have received a spektrum serial receiver and installed it just as the FR Sky was installed and went to beta flight and setup receiver as serial but no movement on beta flight ? Showing stick control I have binded transmitter to receiver.

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