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Mini Drones?

If you get one without a receiver, you will need to solder 3 wires to the flight controller also.
Okay now this is making more sense. So I should get one with a frysky one so I wont have to solder anything if I want to make life a little easier.
Finally got the King Kong GT 90 I ordered and the r12 receiver.... More silly questions...... On my AT9 Radiolink Transmitter, will I have to reprogram it to go back and forth from the arris 250 and the kong 90gt every time or can you store the settings in the transmitter. BTW I finally got to take the Arris 250 to a big open field and broke everything possible before I was done 2 batteries lolol. All fixed now but dunno how long zip ties will last to hold the flightcontroller+ 4 in 1 down.
You mean current config as in after I bind the transmitter to the receiver it will automatically put the settings in from the flight controller?
No, it will copy all the options you have set in the menus on your radio screen like model type, reversing any channels, endpoints, etc. In your radio menus, copy the #1 model to slot #2, then select the #2 model as the active model, then bind the new drone.
So Im moving the Arris 250 settings to the #2 slot, selecting that as my active model so I can bind the new drone to the #1 slot?
Well you can do either way. I was suggesting copying the arris to #2, then setting #2 as active so you can bind the new one to the #2 slot.

This would leave the Arris as #1 and there is no chance something would get messed up with the Arris config, like losing your bind or there being some setting that isn't copied.
Alright so the r12dsm receiver has 3 large pins. The gt90 came with an ac800 receiver with a small three wire connector. I cut off the connector and soldered the wires directly to the three large pins on the r12..... Im not sure if I have it binded right. Saying the signal is null on my transmitter. At one point before I hooked it to betaflight I had the motors moving but was all out of whack. Then I hooked it to beta flight and changed a setting and got it to to actually work correctly but the motors did not stop completley at 100% throttle cut. Now I cant get the transmitter to show up on beta flight at all. Im not sure if I was supposed to wire it up like I did?
The r12 may need to be put in sbus mode. With the r6dsm the led is purple when in sbus mode and red when in PPM mode. Check the r12 manual to see if it is the same. Also confirm that the included receiver was wired up for sbus and not PPM because it looks like that one does both modes also.
Yeah it says cppm/sbus for the ac800.... Ive tried both with the same results..... Im lost now.
The receiver itself needs to be on the right mode, done with the button on the receiver. Check the manual, but I think it is done by two button presses. It could be a long press, so check the manual.
Ok I think im getting somewhere now.... when I turned on the rx serial on uart 2 it let me save the config to sbus so im guessing thats a good thing
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