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My next victim...lol

download.jpg ok, i pulled the trigger on my 6 inch build. So far i've ordered an geprc lx6 leopard frame, emax 2306 2750kv motors and little bee blhelis 30a esc's. Also ordered myself an echine vr d2 diversity goggles, loosing my camera yesterday made a dvr seem very necessary. thought about ordering fatshark dominators but am worried about being able to see clearly with them as i have horrible eyesight and i can use my reading glasses with my vr d2's. gonna use raceflight revolt v2 fc in this build and a foxeer arrow camera with a gopro lens and akk switchable vtx
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Nice, Virtue! That should be a screamer! Check out the FS goggles on Amazon Prime and you can just send them back if they don't work. They'll pick them up at your door. I had the same issue so I ordered three goggles, set them all up and decided on the FS. Sent the other ones back. I look forward to seeing your new build! You should post a few more videos, though. ;)

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ill post vids in a week or so, maybe sooner if i find my cube. i have been wanting to do a 6" build for a while now
Righteo. I'm on stall with my build because of the Bolt issue. I contacted the dealer as well, I haven't even heard back from RaceFlight, nobody seems to be in a hurry to resolve it. Fortunately, I have a BFF3 sitting here if I get too impatient so at least I know I can put the bird in the air. I hope you find your Cube.

Righteo. I'm on stall with my build because of the Bolt issue. I contacted the dealer as well, I haven't even heard back from RaceFlight, nobody seems to be in a hurry to resolve it. Fortunately, I have a BFF3 sitting here if I get too impatient so at least I know I can put the bird in the air. I hope you find your Cube.

did you open a ticket?

I went to their support page and filled in a form with my contact info about the issue. It wouldn't let me post a picture. Haven't heard anything from RF. I also contacted the vendor, he got back to me and told me he's waiting to hear from RF as well. I doubt I'll hear anything until mid-week.

being a holiday weekend, may take a bit. i think green may be right, that could be a ground rail and thats why it slipped through qc.
went to the spot and looked for my camera for an hour.....no luck. gonna buy a tracker like tile to put on my next camera. my pilot skills are progressing quickly, feels natural, like im just flying where i look without thinking about it. best buy does have the $150 gopros and damage coverage but no loss protection. still great that they have them so a replacement or fix should be quick if purchased there. flew 8 paks after looking for my camera, good thing, looking like rain latrer today. hope everyone has a great holiday weekend..

Don't buy the Tile. I wanted to do the same thing. Long story short, my wife's folks are both having dementia and Alzheimer issues and were both hiding things so I bought the Tiles to put on keys, purses and wallets. They aren't loud enough and there is no way to turn them up. I still have a few extras here but after having the issues with the folks decided to not even bother. It sounds like you're getting in the "zone". I'm not there yet. I feel like I'm getting close sometimes but not quite there.


Don't buy the Tile. I wanted to do the same thing. Long story short, my wife's folks are both having dementia and Alzheimer issues and were both hiding things so I bought the Tiles to put on keys, purses and wallets. They aren't loud enough and there is no way to turn them up. I still have a few extras here but after having the issues with the folks decided to not even bother. It sounds like you're getting in the "zone". I'm not there yet. I feel like I'm getting close sometimes but not quite there.

cant you track them with your phone?
Hey guys,

NEW Armattan chameleon
Emax rs2306 2400kv 4 armattan 30a BLHELI-S BB2 DSHOT ESC.
DYS V2 AIO F4 Flight controller
XSR Reciever

Bird is bound to radio
No radio input on beta flight ...no switches ,no sticks.

Help maybe
just ordered some 6045 3 props for my upcoming build, that extra inch is pricey....lol. also ordered several different styles of leds, thinking im gonna pimp this one out. gonna be running a 2000mah battery anyway. wish i already had parts, raining here again today. i have enough parts here i could build several quads, just nothing i dont already have or want
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Maidened Los with 5" props, waiting on camera, 6" props will be here tue. Flew great really liking this frame
20170602_192505.jpg 20170602_192418.jpg20170602_192418.jpg
The 5" props look tiny on it
this is just set up for maiden, not final
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