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NAZE32 Motor 3 Problem


Mar 17, 2020
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I have Flashed Afroflight 32 With CleanFlight Firmware.
Firmware - NAZE32 Ver- 2.2.0
Cleanflight - 2.4.0
So everything seems to be fine except that Motor 3 Is always at its base speed ie Channel 3 Of Naze32 Board, When I try to Override all the motors with Motor Calib Section then it works very well no problem what so ever but after arming and Flying motor 3 is always very low.


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If the board is in a self leveling mode, and the #3 motor position is higher than the accelerometer THINKS is level, then it will automatically reduce #3 motor speed trying to get the quad to level out. Have you tried (without props on) moving/tilting the quad so that motor 3 is lower than the others?
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Reactions: tevek and Wayno52
If the board is in a self leveling mode, and the #3 motor position is higher than the accelerometer THINKS is level, then it will automatically reduce #3 motor speed trying to get the quad to level out. Have you tried (without props on) moving/tilting the quad so that motor 3 is lower than the others?
Yes, I have tried by removing the propeller and moving the quad by hands, So the flight controller tends to rev. up the Motor 3 to some levels, Which are around 1270 or so..
I did another test by increasing the throttle to max without props which spins the motors to about 1850 but the third motor try to manage around 1410 or so.
I haven't used any leveling or horizon control or anything. Just stock system.
When I change the configuration of of Quad to X or X1234 then motor 1 tends to show same behaviour .


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Have you used BLHELISUITE to calibrate your esc’s , I had same problem and this fixed mine .
My Configuration are
EMAX - MT3515
PROP - 13X4.7
First of all don't get discouraged , there's a lot involved in building these , a glitch can be the most frustrating thing . Your building quite a beast it looks like in your video and hopefully your not testing it like you show in the video . Your going to have to clean up and tie up your wires and get some lite weight stand offs because all of that stuff throws off the accelerometer , not to mention ground affects lifting off . I also see way to much inconsistent's in all your motor readings RPM's . there's usually only a couple RPM , maybe on one motor when you calibrate on BLHeli , it's surprisingly close normally. And I probably should of told you to use BLHeli configurator on chrome , it's strait up basic calibrate and done plus there's a couple good video's how to use it fast short and to the point . It could also be in the cli commands which there's Josh Bardwell the guru programmer that knows these inside out . Hopefully some other members can contribute also . don't give up the ship ! When I finally got mine flying , it's quite rewarding and fun , mine is rocket fast (:
First of all don't get discouraged , there's a lot involved in building these , a glitch can be the most frustrating thing . Your building quite a beast it looks like in your video and hopefully your not testing it like you show in the video . Your going to have to clean up and tie up your wires and get some lite weight stand offs because all of that stuff throws off the accelerometer , not to mention ground affects lifting off . I also see way to much inconsistent's in all your motor readings RPM's . there's usually only a couple RPM , maybe on one motor when you calibrate on BLHeli , it's surprisingly close normally. And I probably should of told you to use BLHeli configurator on chrome , it's strait up basic calibrate and done plus there's a couple good video's how to use it fast short and to the point . It could also be in the cli commands which there's Josh Bardwell the guru programmer that knows these inside out . Hopefully some other members can contribute also . don't give up the ship ! When I finally got mine flying , it's quite rewarding and fun , mine is rocket fast :)
Thank you for your support and giving out such a great expressive tour of what to take note for.
So I have used blheli_S Suite and re-flashed the EMAX30A with the Current firmware and re calibrated every ESC and Rewired it again to make everything clean and tidy as stated by you.
So I am giving out a video of the progress made in this time period.

-If I place the FC out of the Quad nothing is changing there is a lot of variation in the motor speed specially Motor 3
-After Full throttle Motor 3 is still at 1430 .
- Motor Speed varies if FC is made to rotate by hands. But Issue is with Motor 3.
-Right Now the New Configs are
-FC Is running Cleanflight 2.2.0
-Cleanflight Client is 2.4.0
-EMAX Firmware version -14.9
-Power Rail- 12.00V


I would be leaning toward the esc or the motor on the number 3 motor , either slightly burned windings on motor or a fet on the esc . I don't know how to test either but you can U-tube or see if Oscar Liang has some articles on testing . I had a build kit with cheap components with what I thought was a bad motor , got a new upgraded set of motors , only to burn one of those out to find out it was a bad esc . so yup one more of the new motors and 4 brand new 35 amp esc's and I was good . Yours seem to be better quality motors not sure of the esc's , but if you can do both on #3, also # 1 motor still is far off RPM too. See the other 2 they should all be that close. Testing definitely cheaper. Oh so you know , running motors to much without blades get motors hot really fast (not good , can burn windings )
I would be leaning toward the esc or the motor on the number 3 motor , either slightly burned windings on motor or a fet on the esc . I don't know how to test either but you can U-tube or see if Oscar Liang has some articles on testing . I had a build kit with cheap components with what I thought was a bad motor , got a new upgraded set of motors , only to burn one of those out to find out it was a bad esc . so yup one more of the new motors and 4 brand new 35 amp esc's and I was good . Yours seem to be better quality motors not sure of the esc's , but if you can do both on #3, also # 1 motor still is far off RPM too. See the other 2 they should all be that close. Testing definitely cheaper. Oh so you know , running motors to much without blades get motors hot really fast (not good , can burn windings )
I have Swapped Motor 3 Cable with other Motor 1 Connector and it founds out that Channel 3 Of the FC isnt giving out proper Signal as motor 1 that is been swapped with Motor 3 Is also working as same, Now to know that Channel 3 isn't burnt I paced the FC in Motor Override mode by Switching the Master control Know placed in the GUI to run all the motors using Slide bar which in turn Rotates the motors at their full speed.So everything seems fine-
- Signal from the FC during Override
- ESC are fine as I ran them individually
- Motors are fine-tested it individually
. Check this and apply what might help you .
I have Changed everything according to the video and checked everything, these are the list of things that I have Changed-
-Flashed ESC With Latest BLHeli Firmware
-Re-Flashed FC With NAZE32 under Betaflight
-Checked the Motor Orientation as well as Prop Directions.
-Calibrated throttle of all 4 ESC under FC.

Now What the Problems are-
-When throttle is pulled up then Drone tries to lift up(Doesn,t lift more then 2-3mm) and Motor 1-2 decreases speed and motor 1 Stops and jerk a bit and then starts again.
That sounds like like battery is't fully charged , make sure your lipo is fully charged . I've battled in the past with several of my electric RC's not acting right and it was an under charged battery , and even more recent with my qx350 drone I would take off and it would drop immediately , only to find out I left an old charged 3s without using it for some time and it apparently had built a memory , because it would have a 12.5v reading but wouldn't dump it's power .I put in other batteries and it would work just fine .try checking that first , and my only other thing is I hate to say it but there seems to be more and more problems with the old naze 32 not working , not sure whats happening lately but all of bettaflight support has stopped on the naze 32 and clean flight was limited to 2.4.0 I think was the last that worked for me . I've been using F4 flight control boards for a while and never seem to have troubles any more . Sorry , but $26 to $40 more to a new FC might be the least aggravating thing to do . However if you do , make sure everything is compatible . Radio set up, speed controls etc.. Bummer your going thru this , but I guarantee everyone of us has gone thru this at some degree . Don't give up , your close to having fun flying!! Your learning a lot out of this all...
Dude you might be really close , I'm pretty sure it's the wires you have strung for power ! Ditch those and get your battery mounted on your drone . The board when it initializes , the gyro orientates itself to level and when you lift off it senses the pull of the wires as if it were wind, and it makes its own corrections in leveling itself and thats why it's unstable . It's time to cut the cord and set it free, lol sorry i couldn't resist . But it's true you need to mount the battery and have no guide wires what so ever . Just take it up ten inches off the ground and set it down gently unless its doing OK take it up maybe 3-4 feet and just high enough to lose the ground affects and just hover it. Take it slow testing it .And make sure your settings are in horizon mode. And thanks for letting me see your progress , I've been wondering about your build.:cool:
Dude you might be really close , I'm pretty sure it's the wires you have strung for power ! Ditch those and get your battery mounted on your drone . The board when it initializes , the gyro orientates itself to level and when you lift off it senses the pull of the wires as if it were wind, and it makes its own corrections in leveling itself and thats why it's unstable . It's time to cut the cord and set it free, lol sorry i couldn't resist . But it's true you need to mount the battery and have no guide wires what so ever . Just take it up ten inches off the ground and set it down gently unless its doing OK take it up maybe 3-4 feet and just high enough to lose the ground affects and just hover it. Take it slow testing it .And make sure your settings are in horizon mode. And thanks for letting me see your progress , I've been wondering about your build.:cool:
Hahaha, Definitely I wanted to set him free to, at least Drones are allowed to roam around in this lockdown.
I will put on the battery now and see what the performance would be like.
I will update soon.

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