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New Antennas for FPV - Dual Band, 1 Circular Polarized and 1 Linear Directional


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2019
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Most have seen the Lumenier Polarized stubby antennas. Now Hugo has introduced a Linear Directional set. Both of these are dual-band and designed with the DJI FPV mainly in mind. I‘ve been pondering the Circular Polarized, not for distance but improvement around structures behind me, side, ft, etc. I practice in closer areas at times so I don’t fly out in Ft of myself, I fly all around me. To my understanding, these improve 360 around you. The new Linear Directional are suppose to Greatly improve Distance, out in Ft of you.

Watching the Video the FPV site… Hugo indicates a great overall mix would be 2 of each in correct position on Goggles.

Has anyone tried these yet, any comments on the Circular Polarized stubbies and if they improved reception / transmission behind you... behind a house?

I’ve now ordered the Circ Polarized, I’ll give them a try.

The Lumenier Duality HD Stubby 2.4/5.8GHz Dual-Band Antenna for DJI Digital HD FPV Goggles V2. A circular polarized antenna specifically designed for the DJI FPV Drone Goggles. Duality antennas provide improved 2.4/5.8Ghz reception in a compact form factor. That's right, this antenna will work on both 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequencies!

Lumenier Duality DUAL-MOX HD 2.4/5.8GHz Dual-Band High-Gain Antenna four-piece bundle is for the DJI FPV Goggles V2. The DUAL-MOX is a linear directional antenna specifically designed as an upgrade for the DJI FPV Drone Goggles. Duality antennas provide improved 2.4/5.8Ghz reception in a compact form factor. That's right, this antenna will work on both 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequencies!
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Most have seen the Lumenier Polarized stubby antennas. Now Hugo has introduced a Linear Directional set. Both of these are dual-band and designed with the DJI FPV mainly in mind. I‘ve been pondering the Circular Polarized, not for distance but improvement around structures behind me, side, ft, etc. I practice in closer areas at times so I don’t fly out in Ft of myself, I fly all around me. To my understanding, these improve 360 around you. The new Linear Directional are suppose to Greatly improve Distance, out in Ft of you.

Watching the Video the FPV site… Hugo indicates a great overall mix would be 2 of each in correct position on Goggles.

Has anyone tried these yet, any comments on the Circular Polarized stubbies and if they improved reception / transmission behind you... behind a house?

I’ve now ordered the Circ Polarized, I’ll give them a try.

The Lumenier Duality HD Stubby 2.4/5.8GHz Dual-Band Antenna for DJI Digital HD FPV Goggles V2. A circular polarized antenna specifically designed for the DJI FPV Drone Goggles. Duality antennas provide improved 2.4/5.8Ghz reception in a compact form factor. That's right, this antenna will work on both 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequencies!

Lumenier Duality DUAL-MOX HD 2.4/5.8GHz Dual-Band High-Gain Antenna four-piece bundle is for the DJI FPV Goggles V2. The DUAL-MOX is a linear directional antenna specifically designed as an upgrade for the DJI FPV Drone Goggles. Duality antennas provide improved 2.4/5.8Ghz reception in a compact form factor. That's right, this antenna will work on both 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz frequencies!
Yes I saw that video on GetFPV . I ordered the antenna's yesterday. I plan to use two of the Dual Mox antenna's for Linear Direction and the stubbys for circular polarization. Should be a great set-up.
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Yes I saw that video on GetFPV . I ordered the antenna's yesterday. I plan to use two of the Dual Mox antenna's for Linear Direction and the stubbys for circular polarization. Should be a great set-up.
I haven't received my stubbies yet. I pondered the 2 & 2, let us know how you think that works.
I haven't received my stubbies yet. I pondered the 2 & 2, let us know how you think that works.
Hi Doug, my Dual Mox antenna's should come today or tomorrow. I don't have the Stubbies yet but ordering them from Getfpv today. When we get the antenna's and try them out we'll report the results on that antenna setup. As per our results other pilots can decide if they won't to purchase them. Happy and safe flying!👍
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The circular polarized ones look like they are rebranded TrueRC Duality. Or are they the same company or something?
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The circular polarized ones look like they are rebranded TrueRC Duality. Or are they the same company or something?
To my understanding, they are the same product. Designed by Hugo, so I'm not sure as to which distributor brand came first, but I believe they're identical.
Hi Doug, my Dual Mox antenna's should come today or tomorrow. I don't have the Stubbies yet but ordering them from Getfpv today. When we get the antenna's and try them out we'll report the results on that antenna setup. As per our results other pilots can decide if they won't to purchase them. Happy and safe flying!👍
Looks like I'll be a bit longer... I pulled a BrainFart and forgot to complete the Checkout. Went back to store to check on order status and it was still sitting in the cart. Urrg!!
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The circular polarized ones look like they are rebranded TrueRC Duality. Or are they the same company or something?
Looks like I'll be a bit longer... I pulled a BrainFart and forgot to complete the Checkout. Went back to store to check on order status and it was still sitting in the cart. Urrg!!
Sounds like something I'd do! :)
The Stubbies arrived... nice looking if that's a variable.

I did 2 packs around the house and would clearly say it's an improvement.... for my environment. I sit in my driveway, facing street and fly around my home & yard. Except when I fly around in Ft of me, everything else is behind me and blocked by home, trees, or shrubs.

At the other end of large residential lot, behind a 2 story home; I fly between Evergreen's and behind a 60' row of Canadian Cranberry Bushes at 2-3ft off deck, often under branches... Bushes are 10' tall 4-6' thick.

Was losing video at times and now appears (so far) to be stable & clear.
Impressed for my situation, have no comments on distance yet.
Did you order the LHCP or RHCP? Or, does it matter?
Doesn't matter for the DJI FPV craft kit... if you want to use on the module you need to order LHCP.

Here's a clip from the stores order page:

The DJI FPV Drone has a linear polarization (neither LHCP nor RHCP). This means that either LHCP or RHCP will be an equal upgrade to the stock antennas on the goggles. If you also use the DJI FPV V2 Goggles with the DJI FPV Air Unit (DJI Digital FPV System), you need LHCP antennas assuming you did not swap to RHCP antennas on the Air Unit or Caddx Vista. If you purchase RHCP and use it with the stock DJI Air Unit antennas (LHCP) there will be greatly reduced signal performance. Never cross - polarize RHCP and LHCP.
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Mine came ( I ordered the LHCP so that I can use with the Air unit) and clearly I get a little more range than with stock antenna's. I use two stubbies and two dual Mox antenna's so I get circular polarization and and linear direction as well.

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