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Newbie looking to start out in the FPV (from Ireland)


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Jul 21, 2022
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Hi Guys,

New to this forum.

Traditionally I flew stabilized DJI drone but I want to make the leap to FPV

Would folks recommend buying a cheap radio and flying in a simulator to see if I like FPV in the first place ?

I'm not interested in building a drone but more-so want a prebuilt one that will fly OOTB as much as possible.

Failing that - I'm most interested in trying to capture cinematic footage so maybe something like a Cinelog 35 ?

What radio and googles would folks recommend ?

I've been looking at Matt Pochwat on YouTube too which is really helpful but wanted to ask you guys too

Any help/guidance would be great!

Thanks Ro
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Welcome to the forum! :)
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If you think you'll like flying FPV, you probably will!

I'm in the process of writing a Transition Guide for pilots going from a Mini-2 to the FPV. I've attached a copy of the outline for your amusement.

In Normal mode, the FPV flies like a big, fat, fast, powerful Mini-2. The control feel is entirely DJI-normal, although the FPV isn't quite as smooth and graceful as the Mini-2.

I'm not sure what you mean by buying a cheap radio. If you have access to a simulator, that's probably a good idea. One thing you can do to get just a taste of what FPV is like, is to set the camera in your stabilized DJI drone to "FPV Mode", and then make some sharp maneuvers with it in the air. The motion of the drone doesn't change with this setting, but the camera doesn't automatically stabilize image anymore. I've set all my Minis to "FPV Mode", and I actually prefer it.

The DJI FPV is entirely OOTB flyable. The linking and activation process can be a challenge the first time, but just stick with it. You only have to do it once.

If you're looking for fine cinematography work, the FPV is the wrong choice. However, it will also give you footage that no stabilized DJI drone could ever hope to provide!


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