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No throttle response from new chameleon build....


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
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I recently built an Armatton chameleon with Armatton motors/esc's, Betaflight F3 flight controller and Lemon sat rx. I thought I was good to go but when I try to start up the quad with my tx I get no throttle response but I know I'm bound to it because when I toggle through flight modes I can see the red light flicker each time I flip the switch. I followed the propwash betaflight configuration guide. I can see the tx is working in betaflight and I can go to the motors tab and I have control over the motors manually. I have a acro model setup in my spektrum dx6e with the aux on switch A and gear on switch B. I have a solid light on my lemon sat so like I said I'm pretty sure I'm bound properly. Any ideas of what might be wrong? Thanks for any help. I have a feeling it's something wrong in my tx but I might be wrong.
Yes aux 1 in betaflight and I made sure the yellow slider encompasses it when switched up and does not when switched down. I assigned aux 1 to switch A and tried it both ways and nothing I even tried all the switches on my tx just to see if something got switched but I got no response in any switch positions.
sounds like you are not arming, do you have arm assigned to a switch?
I believe I'm close to locating the problem I'm just not sure how to fix it. In my modes tab Arm is set to Aux2 and flight modes to Aux 1 when I flip switch A the yellow tick moves on the Arm channel in goes into the yellow slider but the word arm does not turn yellow like it's supposed to. When I move switch B the flight modes do turn yellow as I cycle through them. I've attached pics.


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sounds like you are not arming, do you have arm assigned to a switch?
Ok I got aux 1 and 2 to switch in betaflight but the Arm box still doesn't turn yellow when the switch is either position. The yellow tick moves but it doesn't arm.
Yeah I just did that an hour ago and I got it to arm finally thanks. But another problem has popped up in it's place. Now it is in a constant state of forward pitch. Any idea why this has happened? The only things I have changed are my end points. I also changed the end points of Aux 1 and gear to min 1000 and max 2000. Was I correct in doing that too? I tried disconnecting and reconnecting several times and turning on and off my tx. Thx for all your help.


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Make sure the pitch axis is set to 1500us when stick is centered (roll and yaw also should be 1500us center). You may need to add a dead zone of about 4 or 5 on pitch and roll. Also, calibrate the accelerometer while level if you haven't yet.
Make sure the pitch axis is set to 1500us when stick is centered (roll and yaw also should be 1500us center). You may need to add a dead zone of about 4 or 5 on pitch and roll. Also, calibrate the accelerometer while level if you haven't yet.
Yeah I have the centers at 1500 and I've calibrated the accelerometer to no avail. No matter what I do I can't control or change the pitch in Betaflflight it's just flipping like crazy and my tx doesn't have any trim or sub trim set. And when I go to monitor the pitch in my tx it is at 0 when the stick is and moves accordingly. It's very weird. Thx for your help and suggestions. I've tried finding someone with a similar pro let online and I haven't found anything. I might have to go back to an earlier back up and try to fix the Arm problem again.
Does the pitch axis respond as expected on BetaFlight receivers tab? 1000us for down, 1500us mid, and 2000us up? (or equivalent default endpoints for your tx).
No it just stays in a full forward pitch position no matter what I do. Even if I move the stick on the tx it doesn't respond at all. It just keeps flipping.
I wonder if it could be the channel map? Sorry, haven't seen this exact issue.
Update- I got it to stop pitching. I had to restore the defaults in betaflight and start over but I got back to the mode and rx part and I had everything in the rx tab working but it still wouldn't arm. So I took a break and after an hour came back and rebooted and all of a sudden it was arming. Weird! Anyways I unplugged from betaflight and tested without props with only my tx and as soon as I flipped the Arm switch the motors were spinning not much maybe 5% and if I raised the throttle past like 25% and returned to 0 the motors would return to their 5% spin but then they would start climbing slowly all on their own unroll I disarmed it. They did this over and over. Im thinking i have something wrong with the esc firmware and/or selection in betaflight. Im using the Armatton 30a escs with the "dshot latest official" version and in betaflight i have the dshot 600 chosen. Is one or both of these wrong? Or do you think it is something else? Thx for any help.
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Good news, this is totally normal behavior. When you spin the motors from the motors tab, the PID loop is turned off. When you arm without props, the PID loop is active but the flight controller's corrections have no effect on attitude. So the PID loop tries to correct harder, resulting in spin up.

Try a hover test. Now you get to see if it takes off or flips out :D Keep the disarm switch at the ready!
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Good news, this is totally normal behavior. When you spin the motors from the motors tab, the PID loop is turned off. When you arm without props, the PID loop is active but the flight controller's corrections have no effect on attitude. So the PID loop tries to correct harder, resulting in spin up.

Try a hover test. Now you get to see if it takes off or flips out :D Keep the disarm switch at the ready!
Cool thx! I'll have to post back in a week or so cause it's a muddy mess around since the hurricane and I'm not trying to have it flip out and go into a mud puddle lol! Thx for your help I'll post back when I can.

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