Yea. Trying to improve the video transmission. Wanted to make sure it was not blocked by the battery’s. Still not great. Trying to figure out how to change VTX to match goggles.I like how you secure the back wire
Yea. Trying to improve the video transmission. Wanted to make sure it was not blocked by the battery’s. Still not great. Trying to figure out how to change VTX to match goggles.
Hey, nice flying and a good landing. My landings are usually upside down.Let me know if you find a solution, because I’ve ran somewhat of a similar with my EV800D
The goggles will show what channel they are on, and you can set up the OSD for the quad to show as well. You need to use the chart to make sure tha goggles and the quad are on the same channel. The problem is one is displayed as the channel, and one is the frequency, so you need to use the chart that came with the quad to cross reference what channel each frequency is on.
If that doesn't make sense to you let me know and I'll try to take screenshots.
Interesting. Did they plug right in with the same connectors? How much of an improvement did they make?