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Noob with Q

Yup, Yuneec did not reinvent the wheel here, they are either SMA or RP-SMA Patch and Omni antennas. They should be pretty good compared to the very inexpensive ones that come stock with the goggles, but others would even be a bit better. Decent 5.8GHz antennas is the single biggest upgrade you can make to your goggles.
Yes, damaged batteries like that CAN be dangerous, but not always. Those look pretty bad though. Check the voltage and do not keep them in the house or anyplace that can catch fire. I would be very careful of those. If the voltage looks stable you can try to charge them at .5 amps and they should get cold to the touch as they charge, any heat is a bad sign. I would NOT charge them indoors or around anything that could catch fire and I wouldn't leave them charging even for a second. That is my opinion on damaged batteries, it just isn't worth the fire hazard.
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Hello guys,

What antenna are you guys using for your fatshark goggles?
Dominator V3 True D diversity module with an ImmersionRC patch and a Foxeer pagoda. Little bit older technology than is now available but does the job pretty well.
A lot of threads over here working with the new DJI digital goggles combo and I might look at them when the bugs are ironed out rather than move to the top end Fatshark products.
Dominator V3 True D diversity module with an ImmersionRC patch and a Foxeer pagoda. Little bit older technology than is now available but does the job pretty well.
A lot of threads over here working with the new DJI digital goggles combo and I might look at them when the bugs are ironed out rather than move to the top end Fatshark products.

Glad that I asked, because I was looking at the Foxeer pagoda, with a combination of a black sheep patch.
I was going to get the DJI, but decided that I would wait a while.
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I run a VAS original Mad Mushroom V1 Omni and an ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for most flying. I change out the ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for one of my Patches (Spironet Mini Patch, Far Vew Triple Feed, or Menace Invader) for longer distance or penetration.
I think if I was buying new and was trying to stay on a reasonable budget for non-long range, I would go with a set of VAS Bluebeam Ultra V2 (which are Mad Mushroom V2's) for all around, and take off one and replace it with a VAS Crosshair XTREME for penetration and/or medium range. That would be top of the line antennas for about $70. If I really wanted very good antennas at a bare bones price I would stick with the ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Diversity Bundle and get a second ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for all around flying where a patch isn't a great idea.
Patches are great for going "out there" or getting in the trees, or in and around buildings, but if someone gets in your beam width flying a reasonably close frequency, the gain is high enough it can skitz your video so be careful.
I run a VAS original Mad Mushroom V1 Omni and an ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for most flying. I change out the ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for one of my Patches (Spironet Mini Patch, Far Vew Triple Feed, or Menace Invader) for longer distance or penetration.
I think if I was buying new and was trying to stay on a reasonable budget for non-long range, I would go with a set of VAS Bluebeam Ultra V2 (which are Mad Mushroom V2's) for all around, and take off one and replace it with a VAS Crosshair XTREME for penetration and/or medium range. That would be top of the line antennas for about $70. If I really wanted very good antennas at a bare bones price I would stick with the ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Diversity Bundle and get a second ImmersionRC Spironet V2 Omni for all around flying where a patch isn't a great idea.
Patches are great for going "out there" or getting in the trees, or in and around buildings, but if someone gets in your beam width flying a reasonably close frequency, the gain is high enough it can skitz your video so be careful.
Well I’ve done a bunch of research into a number of alternative antenna setups including the VAS products and it’s starting to look like I won’t see much of an improvement given that most of my flying is amongst trees (wet at the moment from winter rains). Unless I opt for a myriad of base stations to target the loss areas.
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I have never seen a way to effectively use more than one RX, so a myriad of ground stations won't help much I don't think. Water is a huge blocker of RF and especially at 5.8G, leaves themselves are full of water so they are just as bad, wet leaves are terrible. A good patch pointed in the direction of where you are flying is the best alternative but it will only work in one direction so multiple areas like that in your flying arena will be all but impossible to significantly improve upon. IMHO
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Hello guys,

I have been flying a lot lately, practicing low and slow through a gap of trees.

But earlier today, I’ve noticed that my Buzz keeps getting intermittent lost of connection to the TX, and at one point just dropped out of the air, luckily I was not high up in the air.

Any ideas of what I should be checking to figure out this problem?
As you know I’m somewhat new too but what kind of radio do you have? I know on the Taranus I get an alert “RSI low”. I also put the RSSI on the OSD.

Did you happen to notice if the RSSI was low?

I guess the question is, is the signal strength fading the issue or is something just disconnecting? Maybe like a battery or something. Did you still have video ?

I’m sure you’ll get it figured out. Especially with help from some of the more knowledgeable guys helping you.

Good luck.
As you know I’m somewhat new too but what kind of radio do you have? I know on the Taranus I get an alert “RSI low”. I also put the RSSI on the OSD.

Did you happen to notice if the RSSI was low?

I guess the question is, is the signal strength fading the issue or is something just disconnecting? Maybe like a battery or something. Did you still have video ?

I’m sure you’ll get it figured out. Especially with help from some of the more knowledgeable guys helping you.

Good luck.

I was not able to record the DVR but here's from the GoPro
Listen to the sound.

I am not losing video feed, just an intermittent cut off from the drone to the TX. I was flying close and my RSSI signal was great.
Yeah... that's not right! You should not be getting failsafes like that, and it can only be one of 4 things.

1. It could be that the TX board in your transmitter is damaged, this can happen if the radio has a removable antenna, like the X9D+SE model, some will turn the radio on without the antenna and the damage is done, no maybes about it.

2. It could be that the antenna(s) have come off the Receiver.

3. It could be the Receiver is bad.

4. It could be that BF is not configured correctly. The reality is that you are always having short lapses in your comm link, usually they are too short to notice as long as BF is configured for .4 (BF default) or as I like to set it based on JB's video, .5 seconds, before an actual failsafe occurs. Given the way it is acting for you, it is possible something as simple as the Failsafe Tab, Stage 2 settings may be wrong.
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Also this is a critical reason to record your goggle DVR, not only can it help you figure out where your quad crashed (has saved me a few times), but it can also allow you to review what your OSD readings were during the "issue", since often we are too busy flying to watch the RSSI reading and it can change VERY quickly back and forth so we may not notice even if we glance at RSSI.
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Yeah... that's not right! You should not be getting failsafes like that, and it can only be one of 4 things.

1. It could be that the TX board in your transmitter is damaged, this can happen if the radio has a removable antenna, like the X9D+SE model, some will turn the radio on without the antenna and the damage is done, no maybes about it.

2. It could be that the antenna(s) have come off the Receiver.

3. It could be the Receiver is bad.

4. It could be that BF is not configured correctly. The reality is that you are always having short lapses in your comm link, usually they are too short to notice as long as BF is configured for .4 (BF default) or as I like to set it based on JB's video, .5 seconds, before an actual failsafe occurs. Given the way it is acting for you, it is possible something as simple as the Failsafe Tab, Stage 2 settings may be wrong.

I am heading out again and test out the same area, where I've had problems earlier. I'll report ASAP
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I am heading out again and test out the same area, where I've had problems earlier. I'll report ASAP
Ahhhh... that reminds me, there is one 5th possibility... it could be that the area you were flying in has a very bad RF noise level in the 2.4 GHz range.
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The verdict.

(I’m using a Taranis Q X7...btw)
Two nights prior, I installed a lost beeper and finally, just of yesterday I was flying with a GoPro Hero 5 session and this when the “Lost Signal” to the transmitter started.

I did a series of elimination. I unplug the lost beeper and turned off the GoPro and problem went away, and proceed with the process of testing each components, and came to a conclusion that the GoPro when connected and communicating to my iPhone’s WiFi is what’s causing the the problem and as soon I I turned off the GoPro WiFi connection my problems went away.
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the GoPro when connected and communicating to my iPhone’s WiFi is what’s causing the the problem and as soon I I turned off the GoPro WiFi connection my problems went away.
Yes, this is well known, you must turn off the GoPro WiFi or it will interfere with your 2.4 GHz control link.

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