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Sep 9, 2018
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hi. im Garet from chicago i just bought my first fpv rig and setup. it should all be here by end of month i hope. i didnt get anything fancy. tyro99, flysky i6, echine 100 goggles, and 4 4s 1800 bats. i have never tried flying a drone or anything. besides what i have purchased what else do i need. i see alot about flashing flight drive or whatever...i have no idea what that means. any help for a noob?
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Welcome to the forum poopface .0ROJYyg.png
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Welcome @poopfaceheadman! You may need some kind of battery charger for your quad lipos, and I agree 1800mah are pretty big and heavy but they should fly. Did you pick this based on UAVFutures vid?
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sorry for the bad language guys. i got remediated ) :
my only point was that more weight requires more amps and that gonna show as heat in the motors. if you take it easy though, your flight times should be well into 5 min. good luck and like said.. get a quality charger
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sorry for the bad language guys. i got remediated ) :
my only point was that more weight requires more amps and that gonna show as heat in the motors. if you take it easy though, your flight times should be well into 5 min. good luck and like said.. get a quality charger
Also, the extra weight makes for big damage in crashes, I recommend 800mah lipos for learning
Welcome @poopfaceheadman! You may need some kind of battery charger for your quad lipos, and I agree 1800mah are pretty big and heavy but they should fly. Did you pick this based on UAVFutures vid?
ya i have a charger. i forgot to mention i have been into rc cars for a long time. i understand kv and radio and lipo and all that same kinda stuff that goes along with all rc. i picked this cause im cheap...i did see his vid about it but my budget for everything was max 300 and this all fit perfectly

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