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Noobie with no xp.....


Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
Redding, ca
I love the thought of flyin. Funny I spent over 1000 dollars and cant bind my emax hawk pro 5" to the taranis qx7s transmiter.... I about punched myself in the face about 10 times trying to figure it out... Almost fell useless now... Just want to be in the air...
Dame I love the thought of flyin. Funny I spent over 1000 dollars and cant bind my emax hawk pro 5" to the taranis qx7s transmiter.... I about punched myself in the face about 10 times trying to figure it out... Almost fell useless now... Just want to be in the air...
Question, on the front of your QX7s does it say ACCST or ACCESS?
EDIT: After thinking about it I don't think it will matter in this case...
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Hmm, they may have changed things around, but if it says d8 than do d8 but it's one of several things. 1. Might need to flash the reciever on the kwad 2. The button isn't being pressed hard enough 3. Controller is too close while you do the process (I do like 3 feet separation) 4. Incorrect reciever protocol if it's BNF (spectrum, frsky, etc.) .
Now, are you sure it's not binding? For instance, does the led change at all? Or is it more you're getting no response in betaflight?
No it has two solid red lights n the back of quad by antenna and a blue blinking light and a countdown sequence of some sort on a digital screen that's about the size of a half inch or so.
Ive pluged it in about 20 times now and same response evertytime.
I think you are trying to bind with the VTX button and not the RX. I just looked at the manual and the VTX has a digital readout, the RX does not. The RX also states one red led and one green. The two red leds by the antenns should be on the VTX.
If you are using the button by where the antenna attaches to the board, thats the VTX button. Holding that and powering up locks/unlocks the HAM frequencies. The bind button should be elsewhere.
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I think you are try to bind with the VTX button and not the RX. I just looked at the manual and the VTX has a digital readout, the RX does not. The RX also states one red led and one green. The two red leds by the antenns should be on the VTX.
If you are using the button by where the antenna attaches to the board, thats the VTX button. Holding that and powering up locks/unlocks the HAM frequencies. The bind button should be elsewhere.
Your a genius I say... U got on the dot man. Thank you. Currently bound:) Now I gotta figure out if I put it in the lock or unlock position on the vtx. Dame noobs;) I hovered it for a few seconds but it all the sudden gets a boost of thrust on its on and I have to disarm it... Any idea what that means?

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