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One motor vibrates too much. Please help


New Member
Oct 22, 2021
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Hello everyone,

I have been trying to figure this out for long time and I could not figure this out, and I was hoping if anyone could help me in any way that would be great.

so I have Moblite 7 and I was flying just fine until yesterday.

And I've noticed that my betaflight firmware is kind of old (it was like 3.x.x) so I updated to 4.2.10. (I have tried 4.2.8 as well, but no luck)

It was my first time flashing to newer firmware, and it deleted everything in betaflight. So I set the parameters to what I think they are correct. (VTX (smart audio 2.0?, PID, arming, mode ,ODS, etc)

Everything seems to work fine. I was able to fly it like before, but one thing, there was very bad vibration.

Motor number 2 is vibrating bad when with propeller and without propeller as well. I have tried new sets of propeller as well, but nothing changed. so I went to motor tap in beta flight, and turned on every motor. and I've noticed that motor 2 is vibrating when it is on. The other motors turn smooth. Also motor 2 take more throttle to turn. But still flyable, with much vibration.

When can be a fix for this? other than trying new motor?

I have tried changing order of the motor using CLI but the same motor 2 still vibrates.

Also checked if ESC firmware is erased while I was flashing, but in BLHeli all four escs has the same firmware on it.

The feeling of the motor seems okay. It doesn't wabble or anything like that when I grab it as try to wabble.

Yesterday was fine, so I would like to opt out the damage from crash. I wish I can test different motor to see if ESC is good, but I would need to order new one and solder it, which is no problem, but I want to know if I am missing something.

I am not sure if video is clear enough to see the difference.

I can clear feel only motor 2 is making my hand shaking.

And I usually take off the props for motor testing, but I was just taking quick video for this post!

Thank you very much!
Not sure how to delete this thread. But it turned out the motor is bad. Thanks!

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