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Opinions about this setup for a newb?


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
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Been doing a lot of back and forth trying to determine best setup for my budget of about $500-$600. What I want is something that I can learn on, doesn't have to be fastest most agile or anything. I also want something I can play with in the house (inductrix/tiny whoop) and also use simulators on Mac.

Here is what I am thinking of getting.

1) Frsky Taranus X9D plus with x82 receiver
2) Eachine Fatbee FB90
3) Eachine Wizard x220 - with a run cam owl upgrade
4) Eachine EV800 or Kylin Vision goggles
5) Extra batteries for 2 and 3

I am completely open to changing any of the above and looking for some honest opinions.

Very good choices IMO.
What is your opinion on the X9D plus vs the Spektrum DX6? Looks about same price. Are they about the same?

Was thinking about possibly going DX6 and an inductrix instead of the fatbee
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Man... So many options I just keep going back and forth :)

Would I be better off dropping the cash needed for Dominator V3's or HD2's? Also is the picture on the V3's weird because it's 16:9 and the the cams on most quads are 4:3?

Also I found out the EV800's don't have any form of video in, so this means I can't use them with simulators, which I would like to do.

I assume the the higher end Fatshark's hold their value pretty well?

I guess in the end my real goal is to get something that will last me a while before I get the urge to upgrade.

Would i be better off getting a cheaper radio and investing that money towards goggles?

I had looked at the Spektrum DX6e, but that version has no way to hook to a computer from what I could find.

Hard decisions :)
You could do fatsharks, or Eachine has two other goggles above the EV800. One is called "goggles two", and the other is "VR D2". One or both should have video in. I have only used the fatshark attitude and wasn't very impressed, FOV was a too small. But most people seem to like fatsharks.

For the radio, I really like the Radiolink AT9S for $140. They have awesome range, super low response time, FHSS and good feel.
You could do fatsharks, or Eachine has two other goggles above the EV800. One is called "goggles two", and the other is "VR D2". One or both should have video in. I have only used the fatshark attitude and wasn't very impressed, FOV was a too small. But most people seem to like fatsharks.

For the radio, I really like the Radiolink AT9S for $140. They have awesome range, super low response time, FHSS and good feel.
What goggles are you primaries right now?
EV800. I thought I would have replaced them by now but I really like them. My friend has fatshark attitude that I use sometimes. Only thing I like better about those is the receiver seems to be better with very few if any dropouts. I was getting dropouts sometimes so I upgraded my VTX, but I haven't gotten to test it much because of the rainy weather we have had. Hopefully that problem will be gone now.
EV800. I thought I would have replaced them by now but I really like them. My friend has fatshark attitude that I use sometimes. Only thing I like better about those is the receiver seems to be better with very few if any dropouts. I was getting dropouts sometimes so I upgraded my VTX, but I haven't gotten to test it much because of the rainy weather we have had. Hopefully that problem will be gone now.
I saw those EV800 with the video in on banggood, does ordering from banggood really take as long as I heard? I heard some people waiting for a good month and half to get their stuff.
Yes, it usually takes about a month. I think they have a faster shipping method for a fee, but it looks like EV800 isn't back in stock until the 22nd.
Do the ev800 feel immersive when flying with them? Some of the videos I see online people trying to show the goggles, makes me feel like it would be more like looking at a movie screen instead of truly feeling immersive? For example can you see a border around the screen? Maybe that doesn't matter... I sure wish there was a place to try some of these on to see what they look and feel like before buying, but haven't found anywhere in Austin yet that has that.
It is pretty immersive, the FOV is 80 degrees. You can see some black around the edges, but nothing like fatsharks which mostly have FOV around 30 degrees.
It is pretty immersive, the FOV is 80 degrees. You can see some black around the edges, but nothing like fatsharks which mostly have FOV around 30 degrees.
Sorry for all the questions. Do you know how the EV800 compare to the VR D2? Also I notice in a lot of the videos there are cutouts on the video feed? I guess this is common for FPV, as I see it a lot in the stuff I watched. Maybe the quality of the VTX?
I haven't used the VR D2 but would like to. I have been getting droputs sometimes that my friend's fatsharks weren't getting, but I hope my new VTX will help eliminate them. I haven't been able to test much yet.

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