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Overwhelmed at all that i have to learn.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
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i have not even received my drone yet ...however i have received everything for the bird except receiver(Monday) and o course the bird..(DIATONE crusader GT 200. I have got the basics down on a cheap micro...the problem is all the unbelievable things you have to do to even get the radio set up not to mention
The bird.....I don't know how you guys do it.

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Its deffinately worth the challenge

Once you get it flying its awesome :D
Hey guys,
I saw a video of he bid i bought and it was lightning fast! Anybody know of a website or video series that shows sick movement and what the bird does in response to it?

Thanks Keith
Don't worry...yes it is a steep learning curve but even repairing them is fun/challenging. I struggle with soldering so I will be a "connector guy". I got every connector known to racing drones lol!!!!
Hi "CG"
I am in the exact same situation and i have just watched a ton of you tube on everything from soldering receivers to fpv goggles and have SLOWLY picked up quite a bit of information...these guys on here are very very helpful.
Pick another thread and ask just about anything drone and someone will have an answer. I look at these things like flying computers...i sent mine to a company in Tennessee for hook up and tuning...it will be here Wednesday..we will see if i was a fool or a hero....you will get the hang of it ...remember if its right..it doesn't smoke:D

Thank you kindly
It's nice to make a smoke stopper...you tube it.

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