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Throttle creeps up to max only when reaching 20% position and it stays there. have to disarm


Feb 12, 2022
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Hi there, bought a new iflight nazgul V5 5" BNF quad in Feb 2022.

Issue: When I push throttle up just a bit maybe 25% position the motors keep ramping up up up to max. Disarm drops to minimum once again, throttle up same issue.

What works, everything else is perfect. Pitch, Roll, Yah are perfect and react in Betaflight config 10.7.2 like they should. So best I can tell everything on the Quad works and responds perfectly except the throttle when moved forward just keeps going up in rpm.

What I have tried. Flash firmware on FC ( Iflight Blitz F722 ) & TBS crossfire micro, TX12 Radio Master, DJI V2 Goggles all to the latest firmware as well. No change

What else. Check radio for any settings that could cause this. Test in Betaflight under receiver tab that the sticks work to correct movements and all is perfect.. Also in the motors tab I can adjust master slider and all 4 motors come up at the same time so that's perfect. But when stick is used all of the 4 motors come up different values. if I move to 10% position and down they lower, if I go up to 20% approx they will slowly ramp up different values till 1 or 2 reach max rpm value and going throttle down at this point does not help.

So this is a new quad never flown and I am a new pilot. But the one thing that I have setup up differently is mode 3. Basic moving gimble over for throttle on the right and detach spring. So I am confused on the issue. You see the throttle, yah, pitch and ele all display the slider bar perfectly when they are moved in Betaflight

Any help with this is so appreciated.
Issue: When I push throttle up just a bit maybe 25% position the motors keep ramping up up up to max. Disarm drops to minimum once again, throttle up same issue.
Is this in flight or with the aircraft still on the ground? If the latter then it's normal. Don't stay on the ground with throttle up.
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Is this in flight or with the aircraft still on the ground? If the latter then it's normal. Don't stay on the ground with throttle up.
This is in Betaflight with it on the table props off. Pretty sure this thing will take off on me the way it's acting in Betaflight. Also on the table with motors plugged in it throttles right up to max. When i apply throttle in betaflight and on a table I thought all 4 motors should ramp up the same value. They don't. One or 2 go to max then stay stuck there. The other 2 not far behind.
As mentioned that is normal behavior. If you leave a BF drone on the ground with throttle not idle total power will slowly keep raising until you either go back to idle or take off, if you do neither and props are on it'll likely flip and cause damage, so you simply must not do that. You only apply power when wanting to actually take off, and should do so relatively quickly.

so i was wondering in betaflight with drone on the table no props when i throttle up with the radio in hand should the 4 motors all power up evenly.
They will initially but then they will quickly drift towards full power.
As mentioned that is normal behavior. If you leave a BF drone on the ground with throttle not idle total power will slowly keep raising until you either go back to idle or take off, if you do neither and props are on it'll likely flip and cause damage, so you simply must not do that. You only apply power when wanting to actually take off, and should do so relatively quickly.

Yep 100% agree that's what I found but this is normal for the quad motors to throttle up unevenly while it's sitting on the ground with the props off observing in betaflight. I suspect that the flight controller sends a feedback to have whatever motor come up more powerful than the next so it provides level flight. Thank you for your help. I was wondering if there is an easy way to maybe flip a switch to have it return to idle.
When on the bench with no props, the quad is confused why it’s not moving and tries to add more throttle than you’ve asked for to compensate.
Go into settings and turn off AirMode, then try again, this is most likely causing the situation.
I have AirMode on a switch so it can turn it off, but for the most part AirMode is great and should always be used. 👍
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This thread may contain your solution. It’s worth noting that the “Motors are reversed” toggle button does NOT control motor direction (direction is set within the firmware of each ESC). But the FC needs to know if the motors are configured to spin “in” or “out”. This BF option being set incorrectly can cause the issue you’re describing.


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