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Please Help with Rise Indorfin 130 Firmware

I don't have a Flysky TX or I would try to help, I know with my Frsky stuff the adjustments need to be made in the TX and I suspect the same for Flysky. I never thought it had anything to do with your FC and had to be a TX or RX issue. @Wayno52, do you know where and how to adjust center and endpoints in Flysky?
Did some digging... found out one of the motors took a hard hit... while bench testing last night it went up in smoke. Pulled over off the other quad and so far it seems to be better... going to check into the others and see how that goes.
It's strange cause using the slider in bf for testing all 4 spin smooth and spool up even but using the transmitter Is when i caught it...
Using BF to spin the motors is really just to test basic operation and direction before you arm it with props on, but once the FC and the gyro are in play a weak motor or esc will be seen in poor flight characteristics that you cannot see otherwise.
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swaped out #3 esc for #1 esc...still get # motor spoolin up higher than the others...
swapped out the motor. swap the esc with another... still getting number 3 spooling up higher than the others
Are you sure it isn’t just Air Mode and normal operation? What does it do if you just try to hover a foot off the ground?
Hovering it seems ok, after a few though it becomes a fight as it gradually pulls right. If u take a forward flight and yaw turn, when it's facing back at me and i give forward pitch it continues to stray right and it won't recover.
While trying to get into bheli to calibrate the esc's once connected i hit the read me tab and motors went stupid high throttle and pretty sure during that I've smoked 2 motors. It never did give me any other options to calibrate or nothing.
This really doesn't sound like a ESC cal issue at all. but I can't say for sure what it could be, perhaps a bad bearing in a motor or something along those lines. I assume you are running Oneshot or Multishot for the ESC protocol as Dshot needs no calibrating.

Are you flying in a self leveling mode or in acro?
Ok, so Angle and Horizon are self leveling. They rely on the gyro/accelerometer to know what level is and it can get wonky if it is bumped and it whacks the gyro hard enough but this sounds like something different from that. It would be good to figure out if it does funny things in Acro mode also. Are you experienced enough to keep nose forward orientation and try to hover it in Acro? You may want to try that to rule in or out the FC/gyro/accelerometer and what it thinks is level? Also I have noticed on small quads that as the battery drains the quad will start to drift in one direction or another and it must be due to the lower operating voltage on a 1 cell battery. None of that should happen in acro mode.
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I want to go back to stock setup from factory, what steps do i need to do?
Also, since bheli seems to do nothing after i hit the read me button... all it does is spin the motors very eradicatly and may have smoked my motors and escs ... still don't know what the hell happened with that....
I want to get back to how it was from the box. I post up when i get home tonight.
Hi Sev, not exactly sure how to help you get back to factory. Did you get a copy of the config off the Indorphin website?
yeah, i did reset and then used diff in cli tab then paste from the site.

ive started another thread for this issues. maybe fresh start will help me out.
winston salem nc pilots...
yeah, i did reset and then used diff in cli tab then paste from the site.

ive started another thread for this issues. maybe fresh start will help me out.
winston salem nc pilots...

Did you remember to type save and enter key after pasting the cli dump? If a save isn’t done it will not keep any of the new settings.
Do you have to go into the cli tab and save anytime i go in and change things in the tabs?
Do you have to go into the cli tab and save anytime i go in and change things in the tabs?
No, when you work in the tabs there will be a Save or Save and Reboot at the bottom right, it is when you make any change at the CLI prompt that you need to do a save<RETURN>
It is possible, old FC's could POSSIBLY be bricked by flashing the wrong firmware, but I doubt it, this is a common problem you can have with BF. You need to figure out how to get this FC in "Boot" mode or DFU mode.

I am researching this new Rise quad which is among the first BF ones and you can get this back.

Get the first program linked here (driver fixer), you will want it in the future, run it and see if it can get the FC in DFU mode, you will know because the COM# in BF will change to DFU and try flashing it again.


Then get this and copy paste into the CLI tab to get most of your settings back.

INDORFIN 130 Brushless FPV-R Race Drone - RISE

There really is a lot of this info in the manual and at the website, once you know what you are looking for.

Good luck and keep us posted.
It is possible, old FC's could POSSIBLY be bricked by flashing the wrong firmware, but I doubt it, this is a common problem you can have with BF. You need to figure out how to get this FC in "Boot" mode or DFU mode.

I am researching this new Rise quad which is among the first BF ones and you can get this back.

Get the first program linked here (driver fixer), you will want it in the future, run it and see if it can get the FC in DFU mode, you will know because the COM# in BF will change to DFU and try flashing it again.


Then get this and copy paste into the CLI tab to get most of your settings back.

INDORFIN 130 Brushless FPV-R Race Drone - RISE

There really is a lot of this info in the manual and at the website, once you know what you are looking for.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Is there someplace else to get the dump file? Explore-rise removed everything about this drone from their website
@sev can u get @Ron420 a copy of the Rise Indorphin cli dump file?
I'll look and see if i saved it...i sent then both to horizon hobby for service, still waiting for parts a week later.
I saw they pulled the indorfin gettin horizon site and i called to inquire... they said they moved them to tower hobbies...

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