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Practice flight controller?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2016
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what flight controller would you all recommend I buy to play around with that is beta and will hook to my Taranis ? Want to try and figure things out before I get the quad. How to arm a set the different flight modes. Etc...
I use the RMRC Seriously DODO on both of my quads and love it!

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Or do I just buy one that I will eventually want to use in a quad ?
Do I need more than just the flight controller my Taranis and the betaflight software to create communication between them ?
Ok that being said. Which receiver should I go with and what do I need to power the two(receiver + flight controller)
I think the XSR is pretty popular. The FC will run off USB. The receiver would need some kind of battery except for a very few FCs that power 5V accessories off USB. You can get the PDB (with 5V output) and a battery you will eventually use for your quad and run it off of there.
Hi guys
Just watched a video on you tube and it was strongly suggested that I practice on a sym. First...the video David i may be able to fly with my taranis qx7 using a computer and simulator...does that apply to my radio?

Thank you kindly
Thanks Jerry,
Another question what is the connector called that plugs into my crudsader gt 150 so i can look at beta flight stuff.

Hi Jerry,
I have not been able to figure out how to load my sad card for my radio my radio requires opentx2.2 and i cannot find a osmac companion that has my radio listed...inspite of the fact that aloft hobbies(where i purchased)has a video on YT showing how to do it...my computer only shows opentx2.1....
2.2 is no where to be found...and the open to compani0n only has 2.1


My Taranis is on 2.1.9 so I don't know why you would need 2.2. Turn on your radio, hold the "menu" key (should say "Radio Setup" on the top of the screen), short press the "Page" key 4 times, it should show "5/9" in the upper right corner of the screen. That screen has the Open TX version info. If it shows:

FW: opentx-taranis-plusw
VERS: 2.1.9
DATE: 2016-09-15

You should be good to go. You shouldn't have to do anything to the radio unless you want custom sounds or some other custom stuff.


(Make sure you hit "Exit" before powering the radio off.)

Oh, I forgot...you got the QX7 not the X9D (I suggested the X9D). Sorry, Man...I don't know anything about that radio.

Hi Jerry,
Well i did as you suggested and everything was right where you said it would be...i am running open to 2.2 3/27/17
Was the last update....go can i be a Moron....your radio is the same brain as mine with less options for multi servo aircraft.

TODAYis maiden flight LOS...sent fatsharks back (no image)
New ones coming Monday with laforge receiver and high gain. I haven't seen any more of your crusader gt 200 videos..

Thank You Kindly

Glad you got it sorted! The GT2 has a dinged up XT-60 connector, it's in the "hangar" for repairs. Taking a break from flying for a few days so I can get a couple of my bikes on the road. The weather is changing, it's riding season!

Good luck on your maiden flight today! Keep it "low and slow". A lot of people will tell you to go straight to "Acro" mode, I'd start out in "Horizon" until you get what's going on.


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