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Pushing too hard?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2017
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Wait A While Western Australia
Hey guys, Pretty sure I know what Virtue will say but I’m wondering if I am as title says. Pushing too hard. Been a good day so far. 8 packs, 4 to come at sunset ( couple of hours away) . But been testing range and agility today. With new PID settings it is a lot better in manoeuvres. Been doing some tree hugging and in between light poles. So far today 3 props, one antenna and one pack trashed. Not worried about cost just down time. Keep pushing or back off?
Hey Wayne!
I am in the same kinda boat. Yesterday I took my 2 birds out to fly and went to do something I have done a dozen times before. But this time the video broke up more than usual and I flew it into a tree, tumbled out and onto the ground. It was turtled and I righted it with the dshot "flip back over" function and brought it back to me and landed. ripped the vtx connector off and with it one of my tbs triumph antennas. I know roughly the area I was in but I couldn't find my antenna when I went to look for it, so I will go back and have another look later today because I hate to lose a good antenna but I should have walked to retrieve it after such a bad accident instead of flying it back. So now I am down to one bird until my new connectors or new vtx arrives and all I can really do is back off a bit until then or I may end up grounded too.
Just went and flew a few packs. Decided you guys are right. It’s not good for muscle memory to fly anything but acro. I flew 3 packs and recharging now for late afternoon flight. No crashes, I flew quite slow most of the time. But I did find myself almost disoriented a few times early on. By the third pack I was ok. I also sat on a park bench and sat back a touch with my head pointing forward as apposed to pointing down like I normally do. It felt much more natural and comfortable. Looking forward to late arvo session.
Just went and flew a few packs. Decided you guys are right. It’s not good for muscle memory to fly anything but acro. I flew 3 packs and recharging now for late afternoon flight. No crashes, I flew quite slow most of the time. But I did find myself almost disoriented a few times early on. By the third pack I was ok. I also sat on a park bench and sat back a touch with my head pointing forward as apposed to pointing down like I normally do. It felt much more natural and comfortable. Looking forward to late arvo session.
Nice buddy :)
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Just got back from arvo session and all went really well. I have 1 issue though, 1 of my 4s packs which I balance charged before I left is playing up. It charged fine and when I got to park, plugged it in and set off. My bird started beeping straight away as if low battery. I landed and put checker on it and it read 17.1v? Never had that before. Anyway I flew two other packs no problems then tried it again. It beeped as if it were pretty well dead. Checked it again and it reads 16.8v which is fully charged. Any ideas? Is it dead? It still flies just beeps a lot

Back off a bit. I know the feeling and I still get it, probably always will. In my case, progress can be slow, hard and frustrating. I pretty much have two flying mindsets, one is that I know I'll need to be willing to destroy my bird to learn and the other is that I'm just going to take it easy, try to stay steady, smooth and somewhat slow to smooth out my "flow". The latter can be boring but it does help.

If you watch guys like Raymon, he's not going balls to the walls all of the time. Many times his speed isn't high at all. His "flow" is impeccable. I'm always (subconsciously) trying to do everything at super speed which really isn't necessary. Many times I'm flying like Futura described "hands start to shake".

You are to a point where you should probably just stay in Acro. I found that flipping back and forth just made things more difficult. That's how X-Ray 1 ended up in the pool, by trying to flip between Acro and Horizon.

IMHO, if you're going to progress, you will be crashing. I still can't find any way to avoid it. You can watch every video out there but it'll never be the same as doing ot yourself. It really is the "risk vs reward" scenario in this hobby. It's easy for me to say because at this point in my life I can afford to bust a few birds and I truly understand that I'm in a unique position and many folks can't afford to go out and crash birds.

If I were you, I'd try to fly the "boring" way that I described above most of the time and when you feel like you're not progressing, you're frustrated and you can wrap your head around the idea that you might have to break your bird to progress a bit, open that baby up and let her rip!

You'll get there, Wayne. As long as you don't give up.


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