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Rates and PIDs - match Silverware firmware with simulator


New Member
Aug 23, 2021
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First of all I hope this question has not been asked many times on this forum, I'm also a total newbie in this hobby so I will do my best to be understandable :)

So I bought my first FPV drone ever, the Betafpv Meteor 65 lite. The FC seems to use BETAFPV LiteSilverware firmware.
I'm learning the basics of controlling the drone in Acro mode with this simulator : Orqa FPV Skydrive (available on Steam).

After many hours on the sim I tried to fly the drone, but it's not really the same, I'd say the drone react way more rapidly with small movements on the radio sticks.
I read online that PIDs and Rates are what define the sensibility of the sticks (more or less, I'm a newbie). So my goal is to
1. lower the sensibility of the sticks, especially in the center
2. try to have the same sensibility on sim and drone !

Here are "screenshots" from the goggles with my drone, and from the simulator. My problem is to understand what the values represents, especially for the RATES in my drone. The value of "Rate" and "Rate_yaw" seems to be 840 and 500 respectively by default, and ranges from 0 to 1500 or something.
I don't understand what theses numbers means in comparison with the simulator, or even curves that I found online like this one :

I'm completely lost unfortunately :oops:
If someone can explain me to understand how to do what I want, that would be nice.


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First off, do not adjust the PID's. That is set at the factory and unless you have lots of experience, I would not mess with it.
The "Rates" is what you want to adjust. The Rates value such as the "667" value showed in the screen shot from the sim means that if you move the lets say "Roll" stick to its full limit, the drone will rotate 667 degrees in one second (almost two complete revolutions). The lower the Rate number, the slower the drone will move to the same stick movement.
The "Expo" setting, reduces the sensitivity around the center of the joysticks.
I have no experience with "Silwerware" as I have only used Betaflight.

I have only messed with "Orqa FPV Skydrive" when it first came out. At that time, it wasn't bad, but did not feel quite right.
Also, Whoops (drones with ducts around the props), do not respond the same as the drones you fly in the sim (without ducts). If you want something that will feel like the Meteor, the sim "Velocidrone" has an add-on package that includes "Whoops" and they fly very close to my actual whoops.
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Thanks for your response, that's really helpful.
Now it seems that with Silverware firmware I'm not able to set the Expo as I want, the only settings in "Rates" are RATE and RATE_YAW :( that's a shame I can not use Betaflight with my drone as it seems to be widely used.

I will try Velocidrone if my computer is powerful enough, otherwise I'm stuck with my Orqa simulator :)

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