Nothing is simple in this hobby. I have been flying for over a year and just got myself a taranis qx7s and flashed both my rx (r xsr ) and tx (xjt module) to the latest accst 2.xx eu and it will not bind? I then reverted bach to the latest accst 1.xx and it bound! yes, but no imputs came throught to beataflight? I have tryed all the common issies like not being in sbus mode, poor soldering and even tryed it on 3 flight controllers. It is killing me just got all this new gear and not being able to fly. I have even offered to pay people if they can figure it out. I have brought another receiver and hope that will help, I would massively apriciate it if someone can help even frsky cant be bothered and i am stuck down with no idea. I just hope its one of those blindingly simple things. Thanks you for everyone helping