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Rssi value showing 0% in OSD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
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Just yesterday I went for a flight and the rssi value in my goggles was showing 0% and the "low rssi" warning was popping up. I cruised around carefully to see if it was a problem and I definitely have plenty of signal. Everything is working fine except the signal strength isn't showing up. The only thing I've changed that I know of since then is I went in and raised the VTX power in the OSD controls. I don't think I changed anything I wasn't supposed to but I'm still pretty new to this.
Any ideas what's going on?
Yes the box is ticked. It shows up in the osd, "full bars" with a zero next to it. In Betaflight the I have the rssi channel set to aux 12 with is the one that's moving back and forth.
It works just fine on my other aircraft just not this one.
Yes the box is ticked. It shows up in the osd, "full bars" with a zero next to it. In Betaflight the I have the rssi channel set to aux 12 with is the one that's moving back and forth.
It works just fine on my other aircraft just not this one.
Try aux 8 as the first four channels (AETR) count as part of 12.
Thanks Tevek, I'll try that Monday. I camping this weekend, didn't bring my laptop.
Did bring a handful of drones to fly
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Thanks Smokybear I'll try that on Monday when I'm back in front of my computer. I appreciate the help
Guys, I have a very similar issue in my trashcan with DSM2 receiver. But In mine was working ok and for some reason start showing 0 and blinking in the OSD. I also see some worse video signal in my googles but I do not have any other issue. I am wondering if I have any component heat that could cause this.... Do you have any suggestion? If I need to change something, should I start swapping the FC (Build in Receiver) or the VTX?

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