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So Is this a good FPV Drone combo or what? DJI Original FPV Combo.


Feb 14, 2023
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So I can't bring myself to purchase the Avata as I will be in for $2K and end up with a drone as loud as a .44 magnum I can't fly in many places I want to.

With all the other flaws the final straw was the Yaw tumble issue and how they resolved that in the new firmware - I just can't do it. I would rather build a digital Cinewhoop or get one from Get FPV, etc..........but I want plug n play.

I want a drone I don't have to keep super close and worry about range as much. I also want easy setup out of the box. I also do not think driving through tight spaces is the only thing FPV.
Its cool, but prop guards are not the end all be all so it does not have to be a cinewhoop style.

The DJI FPV Drone looks fast as heck and checks all the boxes for a good FPV Camera drone experience. Am I wrong? tell me the flaws and pitfalls.

Don't get me wrong I like the cinewhoop design and own (2) 5" analog quads (racing only no GoPro) and a few tiny whoops for indoors. These are all Spektrum and I have a DX8 and Dx7 TX but its time to drop the analog Fat Shark goggles and go digital FPV.

The current setups are too good to pass on any longer.:)

So is this FPV combo the way to go? What am I missing? What are the major drawbacks of this drone?

Seems to me this is a fast bird and has good flight time and good video for what it is. Also seems like these googles are considered better by some then the newer ones but I am sure both models are awesome digital goggles. the combo is better as it comes with a real controller capable of manual mode. I mean really.

Its not all gravy on the older FPV Drone as well - I see the DJI Care refresh is 3 times the cost of a policy for the Avata and there is no repairing the FPV Drone, they only offer 2 replacements under DJI Care.

Carrying this huge FPV drone is a mess as well - not many good case options I can find. But I will get around that issue as well.

I don't care if I have to hook up my phone, yes its lame, but I don't care.

I don't care about having to register it or Remote ID. I fly within the rules as best I can :cool: and always consider safety first.

no issues that this bird is loud as well because you best stay away from people and things with this flying weed eater :eek: or else bad stuff will happen.

So bottom line - is this DJI FPV Combo the best option for Digital FPV for $1000-$1200 budget and what are the flaws I am buying into?

Thanks again for the help! FPV rocks!
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I was in same dilemma, went FPV drone, no regrets whatsoever.
It's very capable, beginner-friendly, robust flyer.
It's not for hardcore freestyle and bando bashing, though...only light crashes - beware.
You will need at least one Fly More pack in addition to battery that comes in combo.
I carry drone, googles, remote and 5 batteries in that bag (seller is random, bag style is what matters) everywhere I roam.
Goggles V2 optically way better than Goggles 2. You may have need to use aftermarket foam or shims for perfect, light leaks free fit to your face.
The only thing with the FPV is that you don't want to crash it, so the "flying between trees and through tight spaces" isn't for it while the avata excels at it. Which is why I have both :)
The good thing is that if you get an FPV kit you have everything to run an avata as well, so you could buy aircraft only (and a fly more kit most likely) later and be set with everything.

I have the Smatree "props on" backpack for the FPV, it's great. Can even cram the avata in the outside pouch at the same time.
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The good thing is that if you get an FPV kit you have everything to run an avata as well, so you could buy aircraft only (and a fly more kit most likely) later and be set with everything.
That is exactly what I did and I like flying the FPV better and I have not touched manual mode yet.. I also bought the arm braces for “just in case”. With them it appears very solid.
Yeah this drone isn’t made to be doing freestyle flips and tricks on trees, cause one hard fall and it can break. Instead it’s used to cruise mountains, rivers, lakes, beaches, you name it. Cool little drone to learn to fly in acro.
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In my honest opinion any quad that brakes as easy as the DJI FPV does, its not a beginner friendly quad. Yes it comes with all the DJI safeties and goodies but unless you want to use it mainly for cruising and mountain surfing i would recommend getting a BnF. But to each their own mate, if your heart is set to it, go for it :cool:
So I might be late to the party but right now it’s on sale for just $899. I recommend the extra fly more package and motion controller. As far as repairs, I tried to fly in 20+ winds and crashed, fully broke off an arm and damaged the frame as well. The cost was only around $100 to repair. Additionally, their customer service was awesome. I will say though, if you fly near water or anywhere urban you could get a lost situation where buying the DJI Care package makes sense. You’re not paying the money for repair, you’re paying for the potential full replacement if you get fly away or lost. I just got lucky that I found mine. As far as power, it’s fast in S mode, but you're dropping to about 5 mins flight time if you’re going the full 60 mph the whole time. N mode will get you about 17 minutes per battery. I also agree that the avata is great if you want to flight indoors or near people, the FPV will wreck someone if you make contact so for your needs it works but not for those looking for a whoop. Hope this helps, ps - I still can’t handle the actual rc remote, I’m a total noob to FPV but man I just can’t get the hang of it so the motion controller is perfect, I even let my kids fly with it it’s so intuitive.
Carrying this huge FPV drone is a mess as well - not many good case options I can find. But I will get around that issue as well.
Not true at all! There are very nice solutions for both soft, backpack cases, and really nice hard cases. I've got this one and love it:

The good thing is that if you get an FPV kit you have everything to run an avata as well, so you could buy aircraft only (and a fly more kit most likely) later and be set with everything.
That was my path. Had the FPV already, bought the Avata aircraft-only and Fly More kit with it. Already had the MC as an add-on to the FPV.
I still can’t handle the actual rc remote, I’m a total noob to FPV but man I just can’t get the hang of it so the motion controller is perfect, I even let my kids fly with it it’s so intuitive.
I fly both the FPV and the Avata more with the MC than with the RC simply because I find it much more fun. After landing I feel great and want to go again.

I learned to fly manual (competently) on the FPV, and have achieved the nirvana of "reflex" flying – not having to think about what my sticks need to do, but more like walking, something you do automatically.

But it still stresses me out. It feels like work. After a flight I might have had fun, but I'm tired. I don't feel like I just engaged in some leisure activity. I feel like I just performed a job. One I'm decently good at – if I focus, concentrate, and try not to have a catastrophe.

I don't feel like this flying the Avata in manual nearly as much (still, a little). Regardless, I fly the Avata more with the MC than not, as it's a completely stress-free, exhilarating experience.

At 61 my reaction times and processing speed have degraded. I need that ability to stop and just hover safely on a moments notice, sometimes just to take a breath and decide where I'm going to point myself next.

So, I do fly manual quite a bit, maybe 25% of my flying, all on the Avata these days, as there's a ton of fun stuff you can only do in manual. But my most fun is had behind the MC.
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Go for a robust 3.5 inch freestyle quad, is silencie and You could fly it anywere, the dji fpv la too loud amd todo brittle, ist a cinematic long range drone not a racer, and it's really loud.
Can't talk about cinewoop stuff as I don't fly that but I have to say the FPV can be a hoot and a half. It was blowing 20-30 today so I got out my FPV just to fly a bit and zooming through the sky at 60mph is just exhilarating. I ordered the new motion controller and I think that alone will be a big upgrade. I flew with an eagle for a bit, not getting too close but just having fun following him and had to be careful not to fly too close or overtake him since my FPV was capable of that easily. If I'm filming (rare to do with my FPV since I have a Mav 3, Mini 3 Pro and Avata, I use the controller with sticks but for just fun the motion controller can't be beat.
I have an Air 2S and FPV , and probably fly the FPV the most. I enjoy using the motion controller in sport mode on our ranch as it gives a great feeling of flight while weaving though the cows, lol.

It just a fun drone to fly…if you have the space. Over the holiday weekend, I was flying feet above the cornfields of central Texas and love the video that came out from it while having tons of fun.

The pics are from the Air 2s, but these are to show how far I could run over rows and rows of corn.
Since I had the FPV setup, I broke down and bought a refurbished Avata from DJI with a battery and charger for $505.

Super fun for sure and I will probably use it a lot. I was disappointed on how slow it is, but it is ridiculously fun to fly at 30mph and 6” off the ground. It is also good for pictures of buzzards.

DJI just needs to bump up sport to about 45-50nph.

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Nice pic of the Avata 👍
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