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Jul 7, 2021
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I'm looking to add strobe lights; top, bottom, rear. Would like to know, what areas to avoid placing them in the drone, aside from the obvious ones I've been made aware of; heatsink and sensors.
For the rear, guess I can get away with the battery.
On top, I want to make sure I don't place it over the GPS.
On the bottom...? Is there something critical I should avoid, again, omitting the obvious covering of the sensor lenses?

Between the Lumecube and the Firehouse.
Which one do you prefer and why?

Ok, now I feel dumb. Just picked up my seldom used drone and took a look at it.
I can now ascertain I can place a strobe at the bottom.
For the top, on the FB groups, someone told me to avoid the heat sink, still concerned about the GPS, not sure where on on the drone that is or even if it would be a factor to avoid placing something over it.

For the back of the drone, on the rear of the battery, guess I would need to be careful about the battery tab connector as it does flex, careful in the sense that, I would need to make sure the velcro tape has enough sticky surface to remain in place after repeated removal of the light.
I put a firehouse on my MA2.. very bright looked good.... till in the air, then pretty much nothing, unless I was flying in the dark.
Watching YT videos on the subject now. Getting ideas as to where to position them. For instance, I was planning on placing the colored red/green strobes on the sides, stuck to the battery.
Just watched a video where they were placed on the arms, so, there I go.

To me, it's more a matter of been seen, what with my location been close to an airport.

Planes do fly well above me, not by much. The lowest I've seen them is at 400 feet.

Yes, I realize it is my sole responsibility to see and avoid, after all, I'm just an uninvited guest in their airspace. I want to be neighborly and play nice since I'm so "close" to them.

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