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T-Motor 2419 - Small Mods and Flight - Awesome


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
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I am really liking this little thing.

This is the Diatone collab with T-Motor. Not sure if it is the exact same thing as the Diatone R249 HD since the Mamba motors could just be rebranded T-Motors from what I've read.

Quick background I normally fly a couple of Armattan Gecko 3 inch pocket rockets on 4S. But as small as they are they still raise eyebrows at some local parks since So Cal sucks for drones. I got into tiny whoops to get my quad fix but needed something more acro and outdoors. I had some fun with the Cinebee 75HD on some PIDs steroids ... until I came across this guy. This thing reminds me of the Gecko 150mm on 4S but it is a 95mm on 3S and literally fits in my pocket LOL.

Made a few quick changes though which doesn't really save a whole heck of a lot of weight but was good for my OCD. First up, WTF with the retarded top plate? I can get over the ghetto hacked placement of the vtx (no I can't) but how the heck am I supposed to insert the SD card now that the top plate is flush up against the SD retainer? Lawls!


At least they included a replacement (and proper plastic injection molded not janky 3d printed) top plate with spacers providing space for the SD card retainer ...


... we'll just have to table that ghetto vtx placement for now. I'm thinking a WhitenoiseFPV mount with a TBS nano and R-XSR on it. But for now, next up, micro JST connectors to connect the Runcam Mini Split PCB to the FC?? Really bruh?


This is proper ...


And while you're at it, since there's an open UART 6 anyway, might as well rig up the Runcam Split Mini so you can manually turn the recording on and off. Nevermind saving SD card space, you avoid risking incriminating selfies if you crash it somewhere no bueno lol.

Now the hole. Why put a hole at the tail that would appear to be perfect for a lollipop style antenna and not make it useable for said antenna?? I started off with a 5/64 drill bit working my way up to 5/32 to get the hole just big enough to fit a UFL connector through. I designed this adapter specifically for this and you can download it from Thingiverse yourself ...


Money shot incoming ...


The micro stubby has just enough length to get to the vtx ...


And for all that trouble we drop a whopping ...



I also added some dampening specifically some M2 x 0.5mm TPU washers I placed at the base of the back two standoffs as as well as under the front screws of the canopy. I was hoping to squeeze a couple where the Runcam screwed into the canopy but it was just too tight. Each motor has 1106 TPU soft mounts which I shrunk down to 0.5mm. The entire stack is also held up by M2 x 5mm TPU spacers . Still, with all this vibration absorption, you'll still see some flashes of vibration on punch outs in the video.

All in without lipo it's clocking in at 96g and 135g with a Tattu 3S 450mah xt30 long lipo.

I am really liking this pocket rocket ...

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Oh man I am continuing to have a blast with this little guy. I am pretty much flying it exclusively at this point Made a few more tweaks ...

There was a tiny little cap on there thought maybe a bigger 330uf cap might help with cleaner power ...


I went a little nuts with the vibration absorption putting some under each motor and under the canopy mounting points. This time I am using Ninjaflex TPU with 85A hardness as opposed to SaintSmart with I think 95A. It is noticeably softer but trickier to print. Also replaced all the standoffs touching the FC with TPU spacers made of the same stuff ...



For me, these PIDs and filter settings are working great with my setup (using Tattu 3S 450mah 75c and Gemfan 1940 Hulkies). I may tweak them a bit (Maybe more I? Not sure if the quad is drifting or I just suck).


My motors are warm to the touch but not hot. Less warm than the lipo. I may tweak these filters a bit then if I can't find it in the D's ...


Keep in mind my goal here is a discrete pocket rocket I can fly at the local park without getting the shame look but still be able to fly hard acro with HD video. I'm not so focused on the jello but I did take the time to pause in the following video when the Beastie Boys go "aaaahhhh" for a jello check at around 1:52. So whether this stuff really made some improvements, to me I'm having fun lol and I'll let the video let you decide ...

(Last but not least, I learned to rubiks cube. :D )

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LOL I cut around that tree and didn't see the string until I was well past the tree. At that point I guess it was already wound around one of my motors so I literally saw myself get reeled backwards into the tree LOL WTF.
Ok guys, I may have found the culprit to this jello problem. And it's not cool.

TL;DR these as well as many other HD micros ship with an older version of the Runcam Split Mini 2 with a noticeably different camera housing and lens (M8 size I believe). These were notorious for having jello because of loose components in the housing or lens. They tried to do a stealth switch but too many RTF/BNF drones already had them on and I'm guessing the vendors couldn't be bothered to replace them. A quick email to Runcam support and they will send you a replacement housing and lens for the newer M12 version - no questions asked. I literally had my email replied to in less than 30 minutes asking for my mailing address no addl charges.

I had always been wondering why my Gecko 3 which I built myself and therefore have the newer Runcam Split Mini 2's in them never had such a bad problem with jello. I wrote it off to the size of these micros. Not so much.

Credit goes to this guy ...


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