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Taranis qx7 radio...


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
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i am very very new to sport/hobby and it was recommended that i purchase this new radio...however there does not seem to be any tutorials on flashing with apple computer or step by step process for upgrading firmware...i think because taranis thinks anybody who would buy this radio already has had another Taranis radio...i have seen most of the videos online . Maybe on of you guys knows some other videos or some website or something....

Thank you Kindly
Hey Keith, I just ordered mine as well should be here sometime this week.
If you look at (project blue falcon) on YT he is starting a on the Q X7
Although I don not have an Apple computer I will keep you posted on current info as I get it!

Hey Mark and Green,
Thanks for your help...i have got the radio programmed... stick settings ,model name time ,but still no voice ...SD flash beta flight ...what a night mare that looks like...

DIATONE crusader 150 coming tomorrow....receiver came today....

All dressed up and no where to go!!!

OH, sorry man You Tube!!
You also need to check out the RC Groups.com (if your not a member just sign up)
once your A member look for a guy named Datos he is from the Ukraine and has an absolute Ton of info,mods,tips,tricks etc. etc. on the new Q X7

Thanks Mark,
Once i figured out that YT was you tube i went to project blue falcon WOW That's what I'm talking about!!!!

Thanks Mark
I just have to take it slow
The RC Groups forum has several threads on the Q X7 just do a search on the site.

Thanks Mark,
As soon as you suggested it... I joined and found some good stuff. Datos seemed to think it was necessary to use open Tx...
However for frsky it says on the website that frsky is a is on its own and does not need help.? So I went with that... down loaded beta flight and found a awsome video for setting up everything... we will see

No problem Keith!

Another really awesome this new radio has is a section where you can change your PID's on the radio instead of having to use your computer.

Thanks mark...
That is good to know...

Looks like i am going to have to send my bird to Tennessee for final assembly and tuning...i cant even hook up the receiver ...no clear visua description any where...Frsky XSR

Los of videos none concerning DIATONE crusader gt2 150

Peace and progress

I'm still in Texas but if I'm not mistaken the XSR is pretty much plug-n-play with the GT2. It's an easy install. I wanted to save some room so I direct soldered mine but I don't think you have to. Anyway it's pretty easy. I should be back on line Sat or Sun. I'm sure I can get you through it.


I just looked through my pictures and it looks like I used an X4R but the XSR should actually be easier because it's smaller. Diatone will provide a harness to the FC board that plugs directly into the FC. You'll just have to connect 3 or 4 wires from that harness to the XSR. Look at this picture of my X4R. It's the board with the black heat shrink. Note the wires running over top of that board to the connector on the left and the top of the X4R. Your XSR install will be very similar, you'll just have more room than I do.


Hi Jerry,
Its great to hear from you,
I sent the crusader gt150 to Tennessee will be back Tuesday or Wednesday...i knew you could help me however you were enjoying yourself and i ran out of options. I ruined the harnes from frsky..and 1 of the harnesses from DIATONE. So i sent it..3s batteries coming sat ,GoPro session tomorrow...i will seek your help first obviously..of course i thought ?well wait Jerry will be back on Saturday...then i thought i really don't want to smoke this thing...(fear). It's all good..i am joining a flight club and there are about 6 guys that fly fpv!!! Field is 15
Minutes from here...yea thank you for everything Jerry

Please get home safe
Thank you Kindly
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Hey Keith,I received my Q X7 today and have done alot of setup already.
here is a video that was a huge help.
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Hi Reaper,
What a great video!!! Thank you
You are right ,it is very helpful...

Thank you for your help!!!!

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