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TBS vendetta Vs. vortex 250pro


Oct 24, 2016
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Looking to start racing, and trying to figure out what RTF quad to purchase, not trying to get to serious yet so I'm not building yet but still want to be competitive so I'm in the market and looking at either the vendetta or the 250 OMG.

Let me know
I recommend either the Vortex 250 or take a look at Catalyst MachineWorks frames, they do full RTF kits. I have seen the Vortex in action and it's very durable, however I recommend changing the vtx because it spams the frequencies (get clear picture on multiple channels and some picture on others). I own and fly the Catalyst MachineWorks Speed Addict 210-R and it is also incredibly durable.
Here is mine, it has taken quite the bearing since I took the pic and still doesn't look it;
Here's more pics, from same day and one hanging on my wall.
I have since switched to Fatshark Dominator SE but still have the Headplay HD.
The RTF is out of stock but I'll Email them in the morning to see what's up. Thanks man I appreciate it.
I know you said you weren't into building yet but I recommend it regardless. That way if a component fails or you do manage to break something, replacing parts isn't a project and no leaning curve just to repair it.
I just read up on Rawdawgs post and looked at your list. I'll start doing some more research lol
If you decide to go with a build instead of rtf, you can still get that Speed Addict 210-R and I can recommend components.
In fact I will be upgrading mine for the 2017 season and I'm getting components together for the overhaul.

My current setup is:
-Taranis X9D Plus
-Speed Addict 210-R
-MRM Mini Titan 2204-2300kv motors
-Littlebee 20a escs
-MRM Dragonfly32 flight control running Betaflight
-Cricket v2 200mw vtx
-RunCam Swift
Pulse 3s 1800mah 75c

My upgraded setup will be:
-Taranis X9D Plus
-Speed Addict 210-R
-Zoe Daily Performance 2205-2550kv motors
-Littlebee-S 30a escs
-SirinFPV flight control with integrated vtx
-RunCam Swift
-Pulse 4s 1800mah 75c Lipo
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I have no problem building, built plenty of helicopters in my day, no quads though. Where do I start?
Start would be what frame you want then components to fit.
Not all components will fit at all, some will fit with minor modding.
I was looking at a 250 but the 210 seems to be a little more popular in the racing scene. I just want to get into a good competitive class.
5 inch props seen to be most popular and smallest frame to fit 5 inch props is usually lightest.
Catalyst does make a SuperLight but I have no experience with its durability, and I don't like how the battery is secured to it but it is lighter than the 210-R.
I probably should have asked this earlier, do you just want to find out if this is something you want to do or already know and want to dive right in?
It's something I've been extremely interested in getting into. I've been flying my whole life and all my buddies are starting to race so I'm just trying to keep up. I was looking at the superlight but reading more about it within the past 30 minutes they kinda sold me on the 210. So I've decided to go with that frame.
Don't forget to look into goggles, there are many options.
And the Speed Addict 210-R only fits 3 cameras; Foxeer HS1177, RunCam Swift and RunCam Owl Plus.
Also when ordering the flight control, order without the pins pre-soldered because pre-soldered pins may not fit the frame
Whatever flight control you with, get an F3 or F4.
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Order that from RangeVideo.com, the origin of Headplay.

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