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The controller and SJRC app show low battery, but the battery-charged light still has 2-3 lights (over 50% full)

Roland Chen

New Member
Jun 12, 2023
Reaction score
I am new to Drone. my new SJRC F11 4K Pro drone can only fly for about 5 minutes ( Should have over 20 mins). The remote controller alerts for low battery, and the SJRC app too, after 5 minutes flight and return Home. But the battery lights show over 50% full (2-3 lights, 4 lights are fully charged). I did the factory reset through the SJRC app, but not help.
Can anyone show me how to correct the problem? Please.
The drone is most likely not reading the battery voltage correctly, either due to a firmware bug or an actual hardware issue. Unless SJRC, whoever they are, releases a patch, it's most likely impossible to resolve. Those bangood specials usually have very limited and locked software, so there is likely nothing you can do. Have you tried cleaning the battery contacts and making sure none of them are misaligned/bent? If memory serves that drone uses a row of pins that stick up into the bottom of the battery that were somewhat easy to damage. Could be causing it to misread or not read the voltage from one of the cells, causing it to read a much lower voltage than it should.

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