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Tinyhawk3. Reset to default now yaw spinning crazy in beta flight when connected receiver&transmitter.

Fowl Play

Dec 9, 2021
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Hello all. I'm new but have done a bunch of research and self help before trying to post. I have a tinyhawk 3 RTF so it is paired with their new transporter goggles and the new e8 transmitter. The problem started when I hooked up to betaflight to recalibrate the accelerometer. You guess it, I hit restore to default. I tried to recalibrate because when I arm the drone it would spin up and stop almost immediately. (Drone has suffered no damage or hard crashes as of yet and is less than a week old). After that I started digging more. I had noticed when I connect transmitter and go to receiver tab the drone would spin on yaw axis rapidly. Mapping is correct and all other values move appropriately when input on toggles/gimbal. The yaw is reading that it is nearly fully pressed and when I counter direction in betaflight it does slow it down some, still only registers in the 1900 range when fully countered. I have reflashed/cli dump and restore, unbound and rebound controller, Tested motors, adjusting trim at controller (which helped a little but maxed out trim adjustment and still didn't correct) etc. I'm at a loss. I hope this is simple. I don't have another receiver to try and bind to see if that helps, but everything in betaflight seems right except when I connect my transmitter and the only thing that is out of whack is that it seems to be interpreting that I'm applying more than full right yaw when the stick is dead center. Sorry for any typos and please forgive me if I replaced transmitter with receiver ar vice versa in any instances. Any help would be appreciated! Edit I probably should've put this under transmitter and reciever but it doesn't appear that I can move it
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I found the issue to actually be the transmitter. I decided to buy another transmitter (betafpv ~$50) and it works just fine now. If you buy the TH3 RTF kit be warned the transmitter is junk and if you're having issues suspect your controller first. I love everything else I this kit but I think I would've done just as good buying the geprc tinygo or buying BNF and getting goggles and drone Ala cart20211219_122923.jpg
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Yes the transmitter is junk. First day for me, the throttle shifted to right side, and then stopped charging anymore.
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Yes the transmitter is junk. First day for me, the throttle shifted to right side, and then stopped charging anymore.
Emax made good on the transmitter but it's just sitting ont the shelf as a backup. I've moved way beyond it by now lol. The TH3 quad itself has stood up to quite the beating I might add. It's been submerged in water 3 times now and still no problem flying.
Emax made good on the transmitter but it's just sitting ont the shelf as a backup. I've moved way beyond it by now lol. The TH3 quad itself has stood up to quite the beating I might add. It's been submerged in water 3 times now and still no problem flying.
Glad to hear it.

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