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Vifly R220 for beginner FPV or other ?


I'll provide a link for the Betaflight Configurator at the end of this post. Before you can install Betaflight you need to install Google Chrome. Betaflight is a Chrome app.

There are a ton of videos on YT about Betaflight and it can become overwhelming and confusing. Think of Betaflight as a peice of software that professional race car pit crews use to completely tune a race car. It can get very complex.

You will need Betaflight to do some basic things to get your radio working with your bird, short of that you shouldn't need it for much else with the R220. So don't get anxious about having to learn Betaflight in its entirety. I know just about enough to get me in trouble after about 5 months of using it.

Joshua Bardwell has a really good series on Betaflight but some of it can get quite technical. You should just type "Using betaflight" into the YT search and start watching some of the videos. For you, right now, to fly the R220 all you will need to do is set-up flight modes and assign switches to your radio. Once you've done that you'll be able to fly but you'll want to continue to learn more about Betaflight and your radio.

Here's the Google Chrome Betaflight link:

Betaflight - Configurator

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I made a quick screen video of how I have my R220 set-up in Betaflight. I went through every page in Betaflight, most of which you will never use. Each person chooses how they want to set-up their own radio so you may not want to use mine, you may want to make your own. The only thing that I think I altered from the stock settings is the Super Rates on the PID's Page. I would leave them wherever they are defaulted to now and wouldn't mess with them until you've flown the bird for a while and understand what they do. It's an MP4 so if you need to study a page just hit the pause button on your media player.


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what board comes in the ViFly? on the site it just says F3 with beta firmware

I'm not really sure what board they have in there. I haven't done much research on it and haven't opened it up yet. I bought it more as a learning tool. If it's as durable as it's said to be I want to be able to use it to try to learn more advanced maneuvers before I try them on my better quads.

i appreciate all of your help that you are giving me on this stuff. Just trying to learn as much as i can before i even start. Is the binding process with the Taranis to the Vifly going to be hard ? i have been trying to look up videos on this. I am just trying to figure out where i am going to have to start in order to start flying.

The hardest part will be getting Betaflight installed, hooked up to your bird and setting your flight modes. You should start by learning how to set-up a "new model" (quad) on the Taranis and how to set-up the switches for different functions. The binding process should be pretty simple one you have your radio set-up.

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Great tips Jerry!

Nads, I have had my 220 since Dec. and have used the Dal stock props (come on the quad) and have now switched to the DAL cyclone tri blade props and makes the quad very responsive! It is a pretty cool quad and fairly durable and a ton of fun to fly!
I have now been buying parts for a second quad and waiting on some pieces to show up.

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I just got some of the DAL 5045 Cyclone V3 props yesterday to try out. I'm looking forward to seeing how they fly.

I really hope you like them Jerry, They Are pretty **** tough!!
I just ordered a few sets of the RaceKraft tri blades (aka. crane style) to give them a try and compare.

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Hey guys just got the Taranis in the mail. Excited and very lost at the same time. I am trying to play with it and just check out how i am going to do things with it. I do not even know what switch is used to arm or dissarm and quad. and what position all of the switches are suppose to be in

I know the feeling! What switches and buttons do what is entirely your call. There is no this switch does this. I'm heading to Texas at 4:00am so I don't have time to help you much right now. I figured it all out from YT. Look up Project Blue Falcon, Joshua Bardwell, Painless 360.


Try this one:

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What software would I use for the R220?
I see they were using KissFC to set switches and such to flight controller. I have set the switch in the Taranis for arm now but it seems I need to set in the flight controller as well

It's going to be Betaflight. I didn't really look at the video I posted on my last post. I was just trying to point you in a direction to see how to set up switches on your Taranis. If you search YT you'll find many videos to help you with this. Although, I don't know what specific FC ViFly is using I think it's an SPR F3 clone of some sort. It's definately not a KISS controller. I can't look right now because I'm still in Texas.

Ok thanks guys. I have the betaflight all set and Taranis is set I think. Just need to make sure the quads functions will be in sync with what I set as an arm switch
What cable do I need to hook my new R220 to the computer to hook to betaflight ?
I am holding the bind button on 220 and try to bind to Taranis but not connecting

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