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Vifly R220 for beginner FPV or other ?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2016
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would the R220 be a good starter for me ? Or should I go with something else. Want to get into it but want to get the correct stuff and do it right. Part of me wants to buy a good remote so that I can use it for multiples when it comes time though. What are your opinions ??

I just got the R220 about a week ago. I have about 5 other race quads but am also fairly new to this hobby. I only got to fly the R220 through one battery but the weather is supposed to break by the weekend so I'm hoping to put it through the paces soon.

The reason I got it was because other people have said that it's very durable. I'm trying to learn to fly more tricks in Acro mode and have busted up a few of my other birds doing so. I figured this might be a better bird for learning how to do more things without repairs after crashes.

There are a few others on the board that really like this bird. I don't do FB but they supposedly have a good page over there.

Definitely invest in a good radio and goggles, As far as what machine to go with, we all choose a machine based on what we see and hear about, it is a personal choice.

From what I have learned, I feel comfortable stating that most muliti rotors can be made docile enough to learn to fly through "level" mode and adjusting rates, I'm sure others with more experience than I can jump in and offer more detailed advice.

just my 2 cents........or maybe 1 1/2 ................Im still a Newb !!!!! :)

Danny Z
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I have a 220 myself and have flown this thing for awhile now.
It is a little pitbull! very durable in crashes. A few pointers though!
#1. Get a better antenna
#2. use the tri blade props it will give you more control
#3. Get the bind and fly version so you can get the upgraded radio of your choice. (I am getting a diff. one myself)
#4. put some sort of feet on the bottom for softer landing
#5. FLY the the CRAP out of it!!!!

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Thanks for the input everyone.
So seems like I should get the BTF version and when I do this what else will I need other than a controller and goggles ??

What controller should I go with ?

What goggles should I go with ?

Appreciate all the help. Looking forward to getting into this and just want to do it right to start

It's BNF (Bind and Fly), you bind the controller to the bird and you're ready to fly. Before you purchase a BNF version you need to decide on your controller/radio. You'll have to select which transmitter you want installed by the manufacturer to match your radio.

Radios and goggles can get very selective and objective so I'm not going to tell you what to get, you'll have to do the research on those items. What I will do is tell you what I have and whether it works for me and my overall reason for purchasing what I have.

For the radio I chose the Taranis X9D Plus. I purchased it because of the research I did and so many pro's seem to use it. It took a little getting used to but I love it now and wouldn't trade it. I now have multiple birds and several simulators set-up on it. Transmitters of all shapes, sizes and options are readily available and easy to set-up.

For the goggles I chose the Fatshark Dominator V2. Again, many of the more experienced guys seem to use them. I bought these more because of that than any other reason. They work very well for me and I'm in no hurry to look at anything else.

Keep in mind that both of these items are in the higher price bracket. You can easily find adequate radios and goggles for less than half the price of these. I knew I would become addicted to this hobby and wanted equipment that would function properly and last a long time. At this point I think I made the right decision for me.

Hope that helps a little.

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Jerry has some good choices. Mine are:

Radiolink AT9S - can't be beat under $200 ($140 with receiver)

Eachine Goggles Two - my favorite goggles at any price ($155)
Yes Jerry Fly that thing!! ;)

Nads, as for a radio in the same family I have been looking very seriously into the taranis Q7 the new one that has hit the market 16 ch. and is 105-115 dollar range!

Thank you for all of you input guys. Loving hearing good input like this.
I am also the type of person that knows I am going to get hooked on this and when I buy stuff I do like to make sure it is quality.

Is pairing any goggles to the quad easy as well ?
Also I will not need the x8r receiver if I get the taranis plus ? A receiver will be pre installed in the bird correct ?
They receive the signal by searching for the frequency broadcast by the video transmitter. There is no binding. You just set your video transmitter to a frequency and search for it on the goggles. Try a few different ones (or use a Wi-Fi analyzer app on your phone) at your airfield to find a good low interference frequency.
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So I guess if you guys were to skimp a tiny bit you would do so on the goggles a bit and get the better remote transmitter
Not really, I would rate goggles and radio about equal in priority. I just happen to prefer the large single screen goggles. Some guys like the little dual screen ones. Luckily the ones I like cost less, the Eachine Goggles Two are about $160 when you can find them in stock. Fatsharks will run you $500 to get anywhere near the image quality (but still won't be quite equal to Goggles Two). The downside is that they are huge. But I don't care because they are comfortable.
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Yes, I agree with that thought. Once you get your radio going and learn how to use it you won't want to reprogram and learn a different radio. They can get quite complex. The goggles, on the other hand would be a much easier upgrade.

Green really likes his goggles and they are significantly less expensive than the FS. I would take his recommendation. You can always swap them out later with a lot less pain than swapping a radio with multiple birds set-up in it.

Just my opinion, of course!

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Are the fxt goggles they sell on vifly any good to start or no ? Appreciate everything guys.

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