It's BNF (Bind and Fly), you bind the controller to the bird and you're ready to fly. Before you purchase a BNF version you need to decide on your controller/radio. You'll have to select which transmitter you want installed by the manufacturer to match your radio.
Radios and goggles can get very selective and objective so I'm not going to tell you what to get, you'll have to do the research on those items. What I will do is tell you what I have and whether it works for me and my overall reason for purchasing what I have.
For the radio I chose the Taranis X9D Plus. I purchased it because of the research I did and so many pro's seem to use it. It took a little getting used to but I love it now and wouldn't trade it. I now have multiple birds and several simulators set-up on it. Transmitters of all shapes, sizes and options are readily available and easy to set-up.
For the goggles I chose the Fatshark Dominator V2. Again, many of the more experienced guys seem to use them. I bought these more because of that than any other reason. They work very well for me and I'm in no hurry to look at anything else.
Keep in mind that both of these items are in the higher price bracket. You can easily find adequate radios and goggles for less than half the price of these. I knew I would become addicted to this hobby and wanted equipment that would function properly and last a long time. At this point I think I made the right decision for me.
Hope that helps a little.