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So just to clarify, it looks there are 3 pads. 1 tiny signal pad and 2 larger ground pads. The shielding goes to one or both of the ground pads. The inner wire goes to the signal pad. Be sure the ground and signal don't touch.
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Apparently i have damaged the board...moving forward...thanks for trying green

Peace and progress
I picked on up this morning...we have a drone store about 50 miles from us. EXEL DRONES..


Ok now if the rain will stop,! Pouring here.
Put a ft. Of water in my 1/4 acre pond.
Thanks Virtue.

Oh I think that's enough damage and destruction and loss for the season.....no?
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I should have listened to Jerry, however i always want better ,more performance more reliability. Then this morning I saw a video where josh bardwell's radio fried... the same on that he did the video on about the 5db antenna mod. He has apparently changed his stance on the mod altogether...kind of funny to me really.

Peace alway guys
Thank you for all your continued support.
you can get them pretty cheap if your willing to wait for the row boat from china. that was a good price for a us shipper
You guys make me laugh out loud, oh, LOL
I flew 4 packs today.. no wind. Started acro mode with the GT200 and stuffed the nose into the sod...forced the camera so far down that it tore the plug off of the VTX. So i took it all apart ...yes you heard me right and swapped the VTX from my 150 (same board) put it all back together and its perfect....now that's a miracle! Thanks to all of you who commented on the battery thread.

Peace and progress
Dang Keith, you're coming right along! Did you make any of the other mods I put in the GT2 thread I posted today?

flew 1/2 pak on the way home from work, still windy as all hell, destroyed a brand new set of props

I feel for you! I lucked out today. A little overcast but other than that, perfect! Spent the morning taking my first shot at some tuning, actually went pretty well. Mostly dealt with the filters. Then I spent the afternoon blasting through about 25-30 packs on five different birds! Only had one crash and didn't do any damage, not even a prop. Had a blast!

Practiced low and fast, flips, rolls, splits and power loops. All birds flew pretty good but I've got two with slight video issues. The one that really disappointed me was the GT2. I had to take the bird apart for a few issues the other day and decided to upgrade my Diatone SP3 VTX to a newer version, from 1.2 to 1.3. It wasn't an upgrade, it was a downgrade. Now I'm going to have to pull the dang thing apart again to put the old one back in.

All in all a fabulous day!

Well done Jerry,
20 packs... wow that's a lot !!! You will be whooping MR steeples but in no time...lol

I am glad you had a great flying day...

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I have had some bad experiances with the wind myself as you know... if need to fly when the wind is up ...i am flying low and controlled...fast but controlled. No flying above say 20 ft.

The penalty is to high
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