I feel for you! I lucked out today. A little overcast but other than that, perfect! Spent the morning taking my first shot at some tuning, actually went pretty well. Mostly dealt with the filters. Then I spent the afternoon blasting through about 25-30 packs on five different birds! Only had one crash and didn't do any damage, not even a prop. Had a blast!
Practiced low and fast, flips, rolls, splits and power loops. All birds flew pretty good but I've got two with slight video issues. The one that really disappointed me was the GT2. I had to take the bird apart for a few issues the other day and decided to upgrade my Diatone SP3 VTX to a newer version, from 1.2 to 1.3. It wasn't an upgrade, it was a downgrade. Now I'm going to have to pull the dang thing apart again to put the old one back in.
All in all a fabulous day!