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I'm thinking a 1'x2' piece of plywood with a groove cut in the center hoola hoop width just long enough to let the hoop rest where I can slip a carpenter shim to hold it in place. Should be heavy enough and flat enough to sit pretty well on most surfaces, hold the hoop pretty upright, and give the base some portability so I could easily drag it out to the field and back. I guess it gives me something to fart around with over the winter as my flying days are starting to be fewer and farther between, but spring is coming!
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What I learned about race quads today is that sometimes you have to realise that you don’t pick things up as quickly as you thought you would. I have been pushing and pushing thinking that it would all just click. It hasn’t. I thought I would just put on a pair of goggles and I would fly like a bird. Unfortunately that isn’t how this works so today I went back to basics and flew 4 packs in angle mode just working on lines. I set a course over about 100 metres with 5 trees involved. All I did was went around and around about 1-2 metres from ground level, gradually getting tighter on turns and closer to trees. It was a great change from always being disappointed. I think some people pick this up quickly, and others have to persist a little longer. I am the latter, but that’s ok.
Here is my take on it...

The hump you speak of is real, and you will get over it don't get discouraged. Angle mode practice won't help much though. You are doing the right thing as far as flying in acro. There are two things you can do to speed it up. I did #1, it took maybe 50 packs worth of flights.

1. Fly an FPV micro quad in acro mode in the house (or other space close by). A tiny whoop style is good enough. It is easy to squeeze in 5 packs before bedtime, it only takes 15-30 minutes depending on amount of crashes.

2. Use a simulator on your goggles. I didn't use one but I have heard it helps a lot.

You might be doing these Wayne, sorry I forget but maybe it will be helpful.
Thanks Green, I most likely do sound discouraged but I’m not really . I have tried sims heaps, though not through goggles. I will definitely look into that. As for the micro quad, I have no doubt that would help me. May have to be my Xmas present.Occasionally i need to be pushed in the right direction by my peers. Thank you Green
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Oh buy the way Green my plan is to fly a bit more tomorrow. My original plan when I started this back to basics was same course tomorrow in horizon, then afternoon in acro. Do you think just steady steady in acro full stop?
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I destroyed 4-5 quads trying to learn to fly in horizon mode and never really improved. I still struggle to fly los in acro but i am slowly getting better. In 2 weeks, i went from crashing every pak in horizon mode, to flying multiple paks in acro all because i started practicing on a sim. I also had a tinywhoop but it didnt help me learn acro as i crashed it in acro just like i did on my 5" quad
Also, i'm sure theres plenty of folks who never fly in acro but still love this hobby, Keith being one of them i'm pretty sure. just do what puts a smile on your face and dont pressure yourself so hard as to make learning to fly acro a chore, its suposed to be fun
EDIT: Wayne, you've said you have used the sims, are you able to fly on the sim?
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my son and i blew through a couple dosen sets of brushed motors on indoor 125mm rise quads. we've both been "working sticks" for years but fpv quads is not as straight forward as some think.
at some point though, (and to each his own) you have to just do it, crash, repeat.
my son has less inhibition because he doesn't fix it. he's careful -ish but .. seeing him do things i havent tried yet pushes me. btw, in his ear I'm saying "go for it".
I am knowone to talk, I don't have much experience, and I am definitely a pretty old brand new pilot. That being said I have gone out almost everyday and came home with 12 drained packs and all my quads still flyable. I am actually getting to the point where I can stay in the air and the quad goes kinda where I'm pointing it.

I try to do exactly that Wayne with the first half of my packs every flying session. Start a little slow and practice practice practice. I am always surprised to see that I have gotten rusty just overnight, or if my hands are a bit colder than usual or something. I agree with all here though, any self leveling mode won't help imho, fight through this and just keep a bit more space cushion until this is old hat.

I finally left angle/horizon in my rearview mirror a few weeks ago, auto level is ALWAYS fighting you, and it felt great to not have to fight it just to keep moving. Right now I am just trying to learn to fly better/smoother knowing that all of that translates into muscle memory and experience and that's what I think will help me reduce that "space cushion" and become better over time.
Hey Randy that’s fantastic news my friend. I am so glad you have gotten to this point. It was not too many posts ago you were not even ready to try acro. Can’t wait to see some footage with that sq Randy. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks hey. Wayne
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Works piling up, usually slows down this time of year. Long story short, haven't flown a pak in 2 weeks. I still find time to peek in here, been slow here lately. I am anxiously waiting on some flight footage from Wayno's new camera, got your cam yet Wayne? Also wanting to see how Futuramille likes the new 5". someone post some footage (Randy)....lol. It'll be a while before i can burn some paks myself. Where is Jerry, miss that guy...

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