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Just tried out Dshot again, updated my gfu and fc's, it flew exactly the same as multi shot except that it twitched 1 motor at a time about once a second, twitch, next motor, twitch...all while it was NOT armed....lol. Raceflight has really put some work into their configurator as of late. I also put quopa mode (turtle mode) on a switch, haven't tried it yet but will get a chance to tomorrow. Needless to say, i'm still a multishot guy, i probably need some newer esc's i'm guessing for dshot altho these blheli s spring esc's i'm using are supposedly dshot ready
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I am waiting to hear back from Shendrones. I want to build a 4"/5" Arkangel with Brotherhobby 1407-3600kv motors on the 4" props and Hyperlite (well, probably racekraft for color but same thing) 2307-2522kv motors on the 5" props. But the standard version comes with all 16mm pattern arms. They do make the 12mm pattern arms so I am hopeful it may be possible. That would put me at just over 90g in motors, hope to keep the build well under 200g.
I am waiting to hear back from Shendrones. I want to build a 4"/5" Arkangel with Brotherhobby 1407-3600kv motors on the 4" props and Hyperlite 2307-2522kv motors on the 5" props. But the standard version comes with all 16mm pattern arms. They do make the 12mm pattern arms so I am hopeful it may be possible. That would put me at just over 90g in motors, hope to keep the build well under 200g.
Thats the "T" shaped one? Or i should say cross shaped
Before racequads, one of my hobbies was building lasers, thought about building a laser cutter/engraver but im pretty sure you cant cut cf with a laser
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These Black Pearl frames are darn tough so far.....
Just 1 bent prop
A bug ran up my leg distracting me when i was about half way over the roof....lol
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Want to do a roll and keep the horizon in view? its really easy. To roll right, just move the sticks toward each other like this -><- and for left like this <--> away from each other, give it a try
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Great idea! I got 3 hula hoops from when the grandkids were younger, soon to be repurposed as race gates! Hmmm, I wonder what the perfect base for them might be?
thinkthinkthinkthink, ouch, that hurt :)

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