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Which one is better?


New Member
Mar 6, 2017
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Hello, people!

Ordering bit by bit my racing equipment (as well as a prebuilt drone) and batteries got me confused a bit. This is my first proper experience with RC world and I really don't want to fail at it and go through as smooth as possible (no pun intended).

As a beginner, I tend to listen to experienced people so what I did was I ordered this bad boy and was not able to order batteries (1 or 2 recommended in the build due to warehouses not able to ship them to my region). I started looking for the alternatives on GearBest and found these two (1 & 2).

The main concern in my case is, that one of the batteries is 11.1V and another is 14.8V. There was no info on the motors the drone has regarding the voltage they need, BUT what got me thinking, was whether the drone will fly slower with a battery with a smaller voltage or not. I mean, the difference obviously will be present but will it be even noticeable?

If choosing from these two batteries, which would you go with if you were me? Or there are much much better batteries out there that you can suggest? Keep in mind I'm from EU.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
1000mAh is a bit low. I would get 1300mAh. 1500mAh isn't bad either, just watch the weight. You want to be around 150g, but up to about 180g or so is fine.

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