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wire XM+ and bind with X9 lite


Jun 25, 2020
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close to france
Hi all

I could say I am new to the hobby, but I have been reading some posts and watching several youtube videos

I have the trashcan and the x9 lite (ACCESS)

As receiver, I would like to use a XM+.

I've seen that flashing the reciever is recommended it, but I could not find the firmware for the ACCESSS protocol on the FRSKY website.

Should I flash the receiver using ACCST D16 FIRMWARE?

I ordered the Trashcan without a receiver. Thus, I am not sure how to wire the XM+,, could you please see the pic below and advise?

I believe that the trashcan has a cable to connect the receiver, the cable's label reads "SBUS input, XM/XM+/Futaba". (see below)

Hole 1 to the yellow cable, hole 2 to the red cable, and hole 3 to the black. is that correct?

I was just thinking to cut out the connector and solder the cables directly to the holes?

would that work? or Is a better idea to buy a connector and solder it to the receiver? if yes, how this type of connector is named in English? ?


There is no ACCESS for the XM+, it is a ACCST RX, so you will use ACCST D16 mode to bind it. Weight always matters for small quads so I would cut the connector and solder directly to the RX, but you have the wires mixed up a bit, the Yellow is SBUS so it will go to the square pad (#3) and the Black wire will go to the outside pad (#1) according to my XM+ manual.

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Thanks a lot for your reply:

In theory, I should be able to bind the receiver using the following instructions:

Registration & Automatic binding (Smart Match ) With the FrSky ACCESS protocol, the transmitter/transmitter module can bind receiver without using the "F/S" button. Follow the step below to finish the Registration & binding procedure:
1. Put the transmitter/transmitter module into [Reg] status. 1.1 For Taranis X-Lite Pro as an example, turn on the transmitter, go to the MENU-MODEL SETUP-PAGE 2, choose Internal or Extermal RF, and select [Reg].
2. Connect the battery to the receiver while holding the F/S button on the receiver. The RED LED and GREEN LED on the receiver will be on, indicating into the [Reg] status. Select [ENTER] on the transmitter, The RED LED and GREEN LED will flash, and the transmitter displays [Registration ok].
3. Turn off the receiver.
4. Move the cursor to select the receiver 1 [Bind]. 5. Connect the battery to the receiver, the GREEN LED will flash, indicating into the [Bind] status. Select the RX, the GREEN will keep lit, and the transmitter displays [Bind successful]. 6. The transmitter exit [Bind], GREEN LED will keep lit, RED LED will be off, indicating Working normally.

Do I need to really flash the receiver?

Thanks a lot for your patience
Hi again

I have tried to bind it, but I had no success.

I upgraded the firmware in the receiver.

I used the file named: XM_ACCST_2.1.2_FCC.frk

after that, I soldered it to the quad. see pics below

However, there was an issue. For some minutes the green light was solid.

After that red blicking. In betaflight, I had some stick input, but after 2 minutes, it was gone....

It seems that the bound between receiver and x9 lite comes and goes...

all comments are welcome.


please see pics below regarding my taranis:

IMG_7040 (2).JPG

Solid Red on the RX usually means it lost connection, but if they really were bound together then I doubt they cam unbound. One thing the XM+ is known for is losing connection if the radio is too close to the RX, try to make sure you have at least a couple yards/meters between the radio and the quad and power up and check again.
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you are right!!! if I am 2 meters away, it will work!!!

However, I have issues with my fatshark googles. it shows RSSI 100% and after 2 minutes it goes down to 10%

Moreover, I have no values in the taranis.

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you are right!!! if I am 2 meters away, it will work!!!

However, I have issues with my fatshark googles. it shows RSSI 100% and after 2 minutes it goes down to 10%

Moreover, I have no values in the taranis.

View attachment 4823
The RSSI reading has nothing to do with your Fatsharks, they are simply displaying what the OSD is reading, so the issue if there is one is elsewhere. Also, the Taranis will not show any of the available readings by default, you would need to "discover sensors" on the Taranis if there are any to discover, and then create the display accordingly in the Taranis to have it displayed on the radio.
Quick update here.

I went outside and the receiver and vtx signal seem to work correctly. hmmm :0

in any case thanks a lot.
So does this mean all is working? Or do you still have some issues/questions?

Yes, all is working....funny thing is that if they are within 1 meter distance, I will lose signal. .o_O

The only small issue is that when I was outside, the trashcan behaves weird sometimes (not always), like if the wind will hit it.

If this happens again, I will try to make a video.

For the moment, I just want to thank you a lot for your time

It is a known condition with the XM+ that it will lose signal if too close to the transmitter, it is a very small full distance RX so in order to be sensitive enough at distance means it can be oversaturated at close range, there is nothing that can be done except not to fly too close to you for too long, but you can fly by yourself as long as you don't hover too close for too long. As far as acting funny in the wind, that is also normal for the most part, the Trashcan is VERY light and any breeze at all will cause it to react and try to stabilize, I assume that is what is happening, the wind will make any small quad freak out a bit when a gust hits it, the lighter the quad the worse it will be.
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