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World's Best FPV Freestyler?

His technical flying is probably better than Mr. Steele, but I prefer his flying. And honestly, Ramon FPV has done some stuff I have never seen anyone do. Like the 180 yaw flip to backwards powerloop.
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**** Green, I had no idea you could fly like these guys! You need to post some videos. I love watching videos, I seem to be able to learn better visually. JohnnyFPV is incredible, so is Steele. For a tech head, Bardwell ain't too shabby either. Personally, I really dig the Freestyle stuff that Raymon does.


Edit: Oooh, I just got it, you meant "Mr." not "Me.". ****, I thought I was amongst royalty for a minute!
**** Green, I had no idea you could fly like these guys! You need to post some videos. I love watching videos, I seem to be able to learn better visually. JohnnyFPV is incredible, so is Steele. For a tech head, Bardwell ain't too shabby either. Personally, I really dig the Freestyle stuff that Raymon does.


Edit: Oooh, I just got it, you meant "Mr." not "Me.". ****, I thought I was amongst royalty for a minute!

LOL, sorry Jerry! Stupid autocorrect. Fixed. :D

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