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Wow these props


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
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College Station, TX
Last time I checked out from HobbyKing I decided to try out the Dalprops "indestructible" bull nose 5045 props. I was surprised at just how indestrubible they really are. Twice today I slammed a dead tree pretty hard that caused the impacting prop to bend at 45 degrees. I figured "let's see what happens" and bent it back into place then took off. No problems.
These props also sustained several other crashes today.
The other props I have used pretty much just snap, or warp to an extend that bending back isn't really an option. Has anybody else had this experience with any of their props? I was quite impressed.


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I actually haven't messed with tri-blades yet! I've got some coming in the mail, but they're taking a while. From what I understand, though, tri-blades are going to give you a bit more control/stability, but will lower your overall speed.
Yeah. The Tyrant frame is built for pretty good stability, which is why I was wanting to try balance it out with a little more speed. However, I'm planning on building a racer for going as fast as possible, and I am going to make my Tyrant more configured for stability. I would like to try out some 4-blades or 6-blades as well.
Well they would spin at a lower speed to move the same amount of air, but it would require more torque. Those motors are pretty tough though, I think it should be okay. But I'm no expert.
Not yet. My next one is going to be made with the Nidici Black Pearl frame. I'm basing my other components off of the UAVFutures $100 build. I'm pretty excited about it.
Sounds great, I'm no where near at the stage of my own build but really getting into the sport. I went to an indoor exhibition at my local uni today. Awesome there was a 11 year old that flew so well I was almost embarrassed. This kid was amazing. Gotta start somewhere though

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