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XJB-75 Issue, could use some thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Okay, so I finally got the XJB-75 bound. There is basically no information out on the net about this bird. It's on Betaflight 3.0.1. I went in and checked all of the settings, set my endpoints, flight modes and switches. I also changed Yaw heading for the board direction to -45 as stated to do in the incredibly limited and screwed up instruction sheet. I calibrated the ESC's and lowered the minimum throttle to 1010 which is where my motors are just spinning smoothly. the minimum command is at 1000. It comes shipped with all motors going in a CW direction so I had to go into BLHeli and change motors 2 & 3 to CCW.

When I use the motor slider in Betaflight all looks good and operates smoothly but when I arm the bird and barely touch the throttle this is what I get:

I've tried updating to a new version of Betaflight Firmware but it didn't make a bit of difference. Just prior to making this video I tried to spin the motors up and it literally backed out all four motor screws on one of the motors. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Looks like a problem with the yaw orientation. Try +45and see if that works. If not, you will need to look for the arrow on the FC, and see how many degrees off it is (could be +/- 135).
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Props are a non-issue, it does the same thing on the bench with props off. I'll check the motor wiring, good suggestion. I hope it's not something stupid in the PID setup. I know absolutely nothing about changing PID's but I think I had a similar issue with my P200 and it ended up being some setting in the PIDs. For the life of me I can't remember what I had to change.

Thanks for your help!

Sometimes I'm just a dumb@ss! Long story short, in BLHeli I "assumed" that 'normal' direction was 'clockwise', it's not. 'Reversed' is clockwise and 'normal' is counter-clockwise. Therefore, I had the motor direction reversed! That was a waste of a day. Just flew it, flew okay but I messed with the settings so much that I'm going to go back to defaults and start over.

I still might send a screenshot of the PID's Tab after I try the defaults. Thanks again, Green.


Will do! Way too aggressive for my skill level. It came with a 550mah 3S battery. It doesn't last very long and I only have one. Got a half dozen 2S on the way. I'll post the PID Tab and maybe you can help me tone it down a bit.

I also got the JJPro T1 going today but have a similar issue. It seems to fly pretty good but it only came with two sets of props. They're just the single pin, press on type. After a wreck or two they won't stay on. They'll just fly off as soon as the motors rev up. Guess I'll have to get some more of those as well.

Okay, so I finally got the XJB-75 bound. There is basically no information out on the net about this bird. It's on Betaflight 3.0.1. I went in and checked all of the settings, set my endpoints, flight modes and switches. I also changed Yaw heading for the board direction to -45 as stated to do in the incredibly limited and screwed up instruction sheet. I calibrated the ESC's and lowered the minimum throttle to 1010 which is where my motors are just spinning smoothly. the minimum command is at 1000. It comes shipped with all motors going in a CW direction so I had to go into BLHeli and change motors 2 & 3 to CCW.

When I use the motor slider in Betaflight all looks good and operates smoothly but when I arm the bird and barely touch the throttle this is what I get:

I've tried updating to a new version of Betaflight Firmware but it didn't make a bit of difference. Just prior to making this video I tried to spin the motors up and it literally backed out all four motor screws on one of the motors. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



How did you calibrate the ESC's? I've been trying to connect mine to Blheli and I keep getting errors and my ESC don't come out as "(1,2,3,4)" they come out as "(b, b, b, b)" any ideas? I'll post screen shots once I get to my laptop. Any help would be awesome!



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