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Anyone near me who would help a newb?

HighTechPauper, HTP, Randy, FPV-FOG the Flying Dog, FOG,

Enough with the names already, I'm getting confused! Sounds like you're well on your way to FPV stardom! A Donzi 28zx and I thought my Ranger was cool!

It's great to see your excitement. I'm sure it reminds everyone of us of the day we put our first bird in the air. I'm sure with the speed that you're picking this stuff up you'll be helping all of us out in no time. That's what it's all about for me, getting a little help, comfort and support from some others and providing the same when I can.

Can't wait to see some videos of you in the air!

Yup, the best footage is guys learning to fly and keeping up with their progress
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Hi guys,

Right now I don't have any way to record my attempts at flight, pretty embarrassing anyway (I'm sure you would chuckle a bunch watching me try), I'm having the darndest time trying to get used to fpv and especially on the crappy video gear I have. Bright side is if I can learn to fly with this stuff I'll be able to fly just about anything.

I went out to practice a little yesterday after catching up with honey-do, half way through my 4th pack I crashed and killed at least 1 esc (blown chip on the board) and a second one is getting very hot just being turned on so I think it must be damaged too unless there is some relationship between motors of the same direction.

The #1 motor esc blew and the #4 motor esc is the one getting hot. Is it possible that because #1 is bad that #4 is getting hot since they are both CW?

I couldn't find the exact esc's that are in this thing, they seem to be racerstar (RS ) and they have a rev 1.3 on the board. When I look at close up pictures of the RS esc's, V1's show rev 1.1 on them and the V2's show rev 1.2 on them, so I assume the ones on this wizard must be V3's?

I ended up ordering a number of sets of esc's figuring I will need a bunch in the long run.

You guys helped me get configured and in the air, can you give me some advice on whether I need to swap out all 4 esc's to the same revision?

I just replied to your "conversation". This note provides a bit of the information I asked about in my reply. Sounds like you're on the right path. I might buy 4 or 5 ESC's but I'm not sure I'd replace them unless I suspected they were bad. Anytime I buy/build a new bird I almost always buy spare parts at the same time. One of the tough parts of this hobby is parts change rapidly. Motors, ESC's, FC's and other parts that I bought for my first builds, only months ago, have already been obsoleted or superceded. That's why I have an inventory of parts, many more than I'd like to have. Some of which I wouldn't even use today.


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