How are things going? Have you got your bird in the air yet?
Hi Jtrjr,
I literally thought I was losing my mind, I thought, how stupid must I be to not be able to figure out how to work with this stuff, everything was going nuts, but I will wrap that up at the end. SOoooo... a brief recap of my last 2 days...
Started out great I thought, I have watched so much and read so much, I thought I knew what to do and what to look for.
So I grabbed my bird and looked and thought and thought and looked, then planned, then looked again to make fer shure fer shure, cause to be honest I just can't afford to spend an extra penny because I was STUPIDO!!! Well, things went pretty good but I had a few things that would work, and then they wouldn't. Hmm?!?
But my xsr wasn't soldered in yet, I found that if I just folded the pre-tinned wire back over the jacket on the xsr wire harness it was the perfect size to fit into the servo connector coming off the FC and make a good connection so I could power, bind, configure, and test everything before I started cutting. And everything was indeed working, no indications at all that SW/FW/HW was an issue or out of revision, or mismatched revisions. So I thought when I had a problem that maybe my connections were intermittent there and decided to bite the bullet and start cuttin
To say that "necessity is the mother of invention" is an understatement.
I didn't have a jig to hold my wires, like one of those octopus things with alligator clips all over it, while I soldered, so I found that a pair of needlenose with a rubber band around the handle it made a great, adjustable tension vise to hold one of the wires while I held the other and lap flowed it with the iron (Adjustable tension, take out or put in another wrap in the rubber band LOL

. Great!
So then I started cutting, soldering, shrink tubing, modding, configuring and playing, all laid out breadboard style.
It was all so interesting to see it coming together, but still I had problems.
So I decided to put it all back together, and all my handywork turned out great, she was all cleaned up, modded, no more crushing of wires between PDB and FC, and everything seemed to work so I went back to my problem.
WHICH WAS... every time I thought I had things setup, something that was working, would fail to work again.
I'd restart the FC and my serial receiver would be back to Spektrum1024 when I had set it for SBUS.
The sticks would all of a sudden stop working, even when I set it back to SBUS, and then I couldn't get them to work again. So I'd reset BF and start from scratch again, or reset the Taranis and start again. Each time I would get it working only to have it fail moments later when I would check again, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By now I was soooo tired of configuring, testing, failing, resetting and losing everything, that I was about to give up and come to you guys for help. But before I did I thought I should upgrade, no sense dealing with old stuff when I would have to upgrade at some point in the future.
So I simply upgraded the Taranis from 2.1.6 to 2.1.9 and upgraded the FC from 3.0.1 to 3.1.7 and... TADA!!! Everything configured, worked, and continues to work, FLAWLESSLY ever since.
I can now stop losing my mind, and get closer to launch.
I'll check back in later bud!