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Anyone near me who would help a newb?


Yeah, I gave up on ordering anything from China directly. The prices are better but it's too much of a wait and forget about support and/or refunds. I use getfpv.com and Amazon Prime most of the time. I also buy from reputable eBay vendors, fpvmodel.com (USA warehouse), 2dogrc.com and grasonhobby.com from time to time. I can usually get free shipping from fpvmodel. Amazon Prime is the best for me, free shipping, anything wrong just have them pick it up at no cost to me.

Sounds like you've got the backups covered. I was going to suggest the clidump but wasn't sure if it would be too complicated to explain. Obviously, you figured it out!

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I have a growing list of places to order from, can't remember them all...


I'm sure there are good ones I can't get out of my brain
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Hi Jerry,

So the dump says it is an SPRacingF3 and is loaded with 3.0.1

On another note, I spent a few hours last night screwing with the VTX. The thing didn't come with a manual so I went poking around online to find one. The dip switch settings do not seem to tx the right frequencies from the vtx according to the docs I can find. Of course my trusty furious diversity module in the fatshark finds whatever it is sending, but what a pain. I am assuming that somewhere out there is an accurate document that lists dip switch settings and the associated freq's but was wondering if there is something simple I may be missing, other than correct documentation that is. I've checked and double checked thinking it was simply a bleed over from an adjacent freq but that doesn't seem to be the case. Any thoughts?


Well, good news on the BF version number. Don't do it yet but you'll probably be able to go to 3.2 without issue. With 12 quads it's hard to keep versions straight. Some of my older quads can't go to newer versions of BF.

What VTX is it? I've probably messed around with a dozen or more VTX's. I've got a few Eachine ones here so I may have already researched the dip settings. I put all of my quads on the same band and channel. Since I never fly them at the same time it makes things a lot simpler. I'm using the Furious True-D V3.5 with my Fatsharks. If that's what you have make sure you calibrate the signal once you have your band/channel set-up.

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All I can find out about it is what it says on the vtx itself which is "Eachine 48 channel 5G8 200mw Mini" so 48 chan, 5.8G, @200mw is all standard stuff but I just cant figure out (yet) if I have a stuck bit(s) in the dip switch or if I just cant find the right channel chart. I can find pictures of this exact vtx but no info on the dips/freqs that seem to match what I am seeing. It has 6 dip switches and I think I will do a dip switch walk to see if I can make heads or tails out of it. If the second x220 ever shows I will compare and maybe that will tell me something.

Yes I have the same Furious True-D rev 3.5 as you and I calibrated it with my other quad way back in the day, do you need to calibrate each vtx or is the one I have already done sufficient?

Semper Fi
That matches up with everything I have too, thanks Jerry for double checking for me! I will try to find the time to do a switch walk on the dips and see what the freq's are by scanning with the furious module, maybe that will yield something useful.

On the other note about cal on the furious, does it need to only be done once, or with each vtx? I assumed that there is only one cal and that if I redo it it will simply overwrite the old cal. Thoughts?
BTW, I have been looking around a search on here for x220 info and notice you are quite helpful to everyone, way to go Marine!
You, Orange, and Virtue seem to be the leaders of this info revolution, I'm very thankful to have you guys out there!
Thanks again Jerry!!!
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I'm confused, are the dip settings not matching up with the band/channel diagram? If that's the case you may be doing them backwards. There has been a lot of confusion about whether "black" is on and "white" is off or vice versa. Seems that some manufacturers have done it one way and others the opposite. Try reversing your setting. I just calibrated mine once but it took me several tries to get the best reading. I see that Furious version 3.6 just came out but I haven't had a chance to look into it or to flash mine yet.

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I'm confused, are the dip settings not matching up with the band/channel diagram? If that's the case you may be doing them backwards. There has been a lot of confusion about whether "black" is on and "white" is off or vice versa. Seems that some manufacturers have done it one way and others the opposite. Try reversing your setting. I just calibrated mine once but it took me several tries to get the best reading. I see that Furious version 3.6 just came out but I haven't had a chance to look into it or to flash mine yet.


Did you look in the mailbox since 1:12pm Jerry? :D

Edit: oops, I see you received the mail
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HI Jerry,

Yes the dip setting don't seem to match with the band/channel diagram, and my first thought was that I was doing them backwards, especially since the page doesn't give an example for on/off position like some do. I thought I had looked at all the possibilities but it was getting late and I was getting tired, so I will need to revisit it. Perhaps the 1-6 is backwards if the dip switch could be put in flipped 180 degrees or something, and there seems to be a few places on the web where it says s6 is for PAL/NTSC but it doesn't mention that in the diagram you posted above which is the same thing I have been looking at. I really don't want to bog you down with something so trivial, and it is not a show stopper by any means, but when I figure this out I will make sure to post back here and let you know.

I look in the mailbox today and I got the xsr-sb receiver. It looks like I will need to lap flow and heat shrink a few wires together as the connector on the receiver end of the bird looks like (I think they call it) a servo connector, I should have gotten a x4r-sb with pin header and I could have just plugged it right up, not to mention connectorized antennas vs soldered on plus these antenna wires are so **** short I am not sure where to place the receiver or how I can route the antennas..

Looks like all I have to connect is pwr/gnd/s-bus, and I think I can connect the Smart Port wire to pin 3 of UART2 to get some battery telemetry back to the transmitter.
Do you use the Smart Port feature?

Hi Jerry,

That is the one I have, I guess I am confused because I thought there was an xsr with, and one without, sbus, and I want to use sbus right?

I had gotten the one from Banggood for 14.99 and then I decided I needed a second one for my other x220 if it ever shows up, so I ordered another one from GetFPV (on sale) for 14.99.

Tonight I tore the bird apart and did some mods to move the vtx power to the 12v bec instead of running it straight off the battery because Grayson Hobby vid says 4s can kill the vtx if left connected directly. I also connected up vbat. Now I just need to hit the hobby shop tomorrow and pick up some heat shrink and a couple of 5v buzzers (is that right? 5v buzzer?), solder one of them onto the FC, reassemble everything and then I think I can finish the config and give it a fly.

Am I correct in thinking I can configure one of the uarts for "serial rx" and hook it to the smart port on the xsr and get battery level back to my taranis?

Thanks so much Jerry!

Cool, so you do have the XSR. Yes, you want to use SBUS. Good move on the VTX. Yes, 5v buzzer. Yes, you will connect the XSR smart port wire to one of the UART's and you'll select "FrSky" or "smartport" in the drop down for that UART. I'll have to check one of mine in the morning to be sure which it is. It can be a PITA to send the batt info back to the radio. In some cases it goes without a hitch in others I've had a heck of a time. I'm not really sure why I bother because I never look at the radio anyway, all of my data is displayed through OSD in my goggles.

Good luck!

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The video link from PBF below may help. Also, you may need to update the firmware on your XSR. It's fairly easy but you may have to rig up a connection wire. I'll try to find the link for you.


EDIT: I think this is it:

"You I've on JC, through all of your work! Thanks for the help Brother!"
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