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Bardwell F4 AIO FC problem(I think)


Jan 24, 2023
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Hi guys, so after few years of stand by I finally pulled out my gear and went to fly with my drone.
Immediately I saw something is wrong, it was impossible to fly.

I have Bardwell F4 AIO FC on Eachine wizard X220.

So what is happening, when I turn on drone and throttle it up and down motors pin up fast then slow down but
after that slowly start to spin up faster and faster even if my throttle stick is at min position.

I did flash newest FW on FC but nothing has changed.

Have any idea what could cause this?
If you flashed to BF 4.3 then a great deal has changed including the way the FC establishes throttle response via settings such as dynamic idle, air mode & anti gravity gains. I’d just wait till it settles into a steady idle & launch.
Launch isn't a problem, problem is flying. It is like motors are having hiccup. :)
That's not something I've seen. I would have to suspect the ESCs could need calibrating & or new firmware., but if I got all five beeps when powering up???
Yes all beeps on power up, and i did ESC FW upgrade, also calibration.
That would point me toward the correct motor protocol &/or PWM frequency setting...the interface between FC & ESC &/or one or more of the motors. Can you see any signs of blackened coils in the motors?
That would point me toward the correct motor protocol &/or PWM frequency setting...the interface between FC & ESC &/or one or more of the motors. Can you see any signs of blackened coils in the motors?
No blackened coils and also no burn smell on any motor. Protocol that i always use on this drone is dshot 600.

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