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Calling all South Floridians


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
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Was wondering if anyone in south florida would like to meet up one day to teach the noobs. I finally got my drone flying but would like to get some hints on flying these things. Im in fort lauderdale and i know of a descent place thats always pretty vacant. Not sure if we are allowed to be there but i was there last week flying for about 30 mins and no one said anything. Its on sunrise and US1, holiday park where the war memorial is at.
Hey Carlos. I am thinking about getting into the hobby as well and been researching a lot. I am in Pembroke Pines. What gear did you get? Lets connect. I was at Vistaview part couple of times and there are many people there on the weekends.
Hey Carlos. I am thinking about getting into the hobby as well and been researching a lot. I am in Pembroke Pines. What gear did you get? Lets connect. I was at Vistaview part couple of times and there are many people there on the weekends.
Hey hows it going? Heres a list

Lumenier QAV250
Lumenier 12 amp ESC w/ SimonK AutoShot (2-4s N-FET)
Lumenier RX2206-11 2350Kv Motor
Naz32 rev6
Taranis plus
Frsky X4R
ARRIS CC3D Naze32 F3(just to be able to get 5V for the flight controller)

I still dont have fpv goggles yet because i want to see if i can even get the hang of flying it. So far its been good. Just practicing landing for now.
So you are learning LOS first? Many does recommend learning FPV right of the bat.
Yea i am learning LOS first. Only reason why i was doing that first was because ive never flown any kind of RC's before. I figured i need to learn the controls first this way.
That's what I'm doing to but when the drone rotates facing me the reversing of the left/rights really throws me off so I'm just keeping it facing away from me like in FPV while I get a feel for the controls
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That's how I'm learning but im just keeping the drone facing forward like in FPV to avoid the reversal of controls. Just getting a feel for the girl for now
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That's how I'm learning but im just keeping the drone facing forward like in FPV to avoid the reversal of controls. Just getting a feel for the girl for now
The only thing that sucks for me is that it feels like its going to take a long time until i get the hang of it. Its boring just going from spot to spot. I get antsy. Yesterday i punched it a couple of times just to see how fast it could get high. Its harder with the drone really high. I had a hard time judging where it was at and getting it back down was a little difficult.

Coming from the Phantom world I was a bit concerned about using goggles as well. In my opinion, flying with goggles is much easier than LOS flying. When flying with goggles you immediately notice if you are adjusting the controls in the wrong direction and can quickly compensate. When flying LOS, it's much harder to see the error as quickly, which causes a delay in compensation and then creates confusion. It's very easy to get disoriented when flying LOS. Get and try the goggles as soon as possible. It only took me a day of flying to get used to the goggles.

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Coming from the Phantom world I was a bit concerned about using goggles as well. In my opinion, flying with goggles is much easier than LOS flying. When flying with goggles you immediately notice if you are adjusting the controls in the wrong direction and can quickly compensate. When flying LOS, it's much harder to see the error as quickly, which causes a delay in compensation and then creates confusion. It's very easy to get disoriented when flying LOS. Get and try the goggles as soon as possible. It only took me a day of flying to get used to the goggles.

Thanks Jerry! I'm going to start looking into buying a set of goggles. I'm going to do some research to find a good set. If you have any suggestions for a good pair please let me know.
Yup. I know, I'm only flying LOS till I get my antennas and to get a feel for the controls. First time I used my goggles with stock antennas I went up and there was too much interference....panicked and let off throttle, it hit hard. Then heard I needed to put better antennas on it. I ordered two "I B Crazy" antennas. I hope the signal is better
Thanks Jerry! I'm going to start looking into buying a set of goggles. I'm going to do some research to find a good set. If you have any suggestions for a good pair please let me know.

I just got in my Eachine "Goggles Two" yesterday. They are awesome for $140. I started on Eachine ev800. They are also a steal at $55 on banggood, plus probably $15 for reasonably fast shipping. The Goggles Two are more comfortable and have a better receiver, HDMI, etc. Those are probably the best options for the large box type with large field of view.

The other option is the more portable ones like fatshark or skyzone. They are much smaller, have good receivers but field of view is small and they are expensive.
I'll look into the "goggle two".
So I looked at 3 reviews of the goggles two. Not bad. So the only use for the HDMI input is to watch movies? That's what I got out of it.
Can you record from these goggles? I believe you can record from the VR800?
Ok. I was mistaken...the Eachine EV800 (not VR800) has built in dvr apparently. At least that's what I seen in a review also they split and the screen becomes a tripod mounted station. Thats cool. So now I'm torn between the EV800 & goggle two. Thanks alot lol
My Eachine EV800 doesn't have a DVR, but neither does the Goggles Two. EV800 has a dongle for RCA video in for simulators but I have never tried it. They do have the VR D2 which I think has a DVR but maybe reviews were not so good.

HDMI in (goggles two) may turn out to be handy in the future for an external digital receiver if they get that affordable and good in the next couple years.
I rematch ed that review, not sure where I got that they had a dvr built in. Ya know what. Screw it, I'll get both goggles lol

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