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Drone from China

DAL 5x4.5 Bullnose Propeller (Set of 4 - Black)
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Regular Price: $2.28

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Quick Overview
A set of 4 poly-carbonate & glass fiber mix propellers from DAL (2 cw, 2 ccw).

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Thanks for that. I got the ARF model which has some differences-

This version comes without battery, charger, receiver or remote control.
Different from the RTF version, the ARF comes with F3 6DOF flight controller and 2205 2300KV brushless motors.

All I have is the the Frsky Horus on the way. And just ordered the wizard. I was hoping to buy the fatshark hd3 from Australia but the only place with a decent price is out of stock for a month. So I will probably buy from Banggood and use the app to get 10% off as well. I'm assuming they are genuine fatsharks?
I didn't know about the C rating affecting the ESC. Any idea on minimum c rating for it?
Goto RCGroups.com Type in Eachine X220 (under construction)
There is a guy building one and it has a TON of info 65 pages worth!!
Thanks....65 pages..haha. I was actually wondering if I should have ago at building my next quad. I'll have a read but I'm assuming these things are quite complex..cheers
From what I gather the higher C will give you more flight times and as long as your components can handle the extra juice it will take a 4s battery (the VIFLY R220) is setup for 3s or 4s
The 4s will give you Alot more punch (I'm still new to all this as well) IF someone else has any advice or if I'm incorrect on my advice please chime in....That's what this site is for
The C rating is a discharge rate. Take the mAh of the battery, multiply it by the C rating to get the max milliamps the battery can sustain. So 1300mAH 75C battery can do 97.5A (1300x75/1000) continuous. A higher C rating battery won't last longer, it will sustain higher current. So it will actually drain faster than a low C rated battery if you push the throttle.
Its a bit if a learning curve. Thanks to all sharing their knowledge. I have been watching some YouTube vids which helps also. I saw one on working out the max power draw from the motors but should have taken notes...

Even though I am new to flying I am going to go the 4S batts rather than 3S. I will make adjustments in the transmitter throttle so I'm not dealing with the extra volts and punch the 4S normally bring to the party. Apparently the higher C rated batts also tend to have less internal resistance which I guess makes sense.
I am new and learning as well. This site has been great with people like Jerry, theGreenOrange, and others sharing info. I have learned that the C rating like tGO said was the discharge rate. The bigger the number the more juice it can push. I am a career Firefighter, so I look at it like its a fire house. My 3" line carries less water than my 5" lines, thats how I remember it.
Agree, but the voltage (so also # of cells) is analagous to the pipe size. The C rating is analagous to the pressure of the water source supplying the pipe.
Ok, so it is more likely to see a higher C rating in a a larger battery (4S, 6S, etc)?

Thats true Jerry. I can control what pressure I send down the line. All though I don't do that much anymore as I am assigned to a Truck company. I handle Rescue of occupants, Ladders, Ventilation, Utilities, lights, and It's my job to get the boys with the water (Engine Company) to the seat of the fire with forcible entry if need be. Fire Engines and Fire Trucks are two completely different things. Engines carry water, Trucks Carry Ladders and tools and we each have different jobs. However, years ago when I was assigned to an Engine operating the pump was one of my duties if I was driving that day. GPM, friction loss, distance, up stairs, down stairs, size hose, etc. all play a part on how much water I'm sending, each line does have a max flow though. How the heck did I get side tracked??

Thanks guys.
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The laws for fluid flow are almost identical to those for electric current. I only know the basics for fluids, the similarity is the only way I can remember any fluid stuff.
Too funny Jerry. tGO I think I am learning the same way but reversed.
Thanks man. I do have a couple hobby shops that are close to my work. As a matter of fact the one I took to have my balance lead on my battery fixed is owned by an old buddy. We were both Police Officers back in the 90's and went through the Academy together. He left before me do due to the job just sucks, I left later for the Fire Department. Gave 10 years of my life to that profession before I got smart.....oh well I got side tracked. Anyway, He has had some business ventures and went in halves with a buddy of his. He is not in the hobby scene just onboard as a business partner but he was working in the store the other day when I went in. He said he does a couple days a week there and is learning about the hobby. My point to the whole story is I think I will be buying stuff from there if I can in the future.

As far as the 220 goes paperwork is not their strong suit. It does come with a small book that is informative but not a ton of information. I made a copy of the spec sheet taken right from their web-site. I saw that you ordered some props, let me know how they work out as I would like to stock up on them. A bit of advice so you don't do what I did. When you get whatever battery you are going to use, make sure you secure the balance lead to the battery with a rubber band. Do this each time, if you don't you will quickly try to set the 220 on fire because the balance lead will get disintegrated by the prop and it will put on a heck of a show arching. There is a good chance that my battery has damage to it because of this. Do yourself a favor and just rubber band the balance lead to the battery before each and every flight.

Hi Merdok, I found this website and joined based on previous VIFLY comments. I bought 2 R220's from ViFly for my son and myself, and so far we have been flying everyday since Christmas! They are very durable (based on our unintended crash tests ;), so far had only one problem. We are flying mainly over grass but have some hard landings which caused my R220 to get stuck in "armed" mode, no props moving though. I removed the bottom panel and found the flight controller gets dislodged from the main board on hard landings. I ended up putting a piece of foam inside on top of the flight controller so that there is no air-gap (see pic) and so that it will not become disconnected anymore. Even though my flying is getting better (my son may disagree, haha) and the landings are softer, it's still good to check that board and add the modification if you need it. I told the ViFly support guys and they said they are already making a modification for that now. Anyhow, this forum is excellent and I look forward to posting info as we find out new things about flying and maintaining the quadcopters. Also, we broke a few balance leads too (propeller damaged), seems like this is a common lesson... I appreciate the posters who provided the videos (above). Also, we are flying LOS only right now and did not buy the goggles yet, I'm really looking forward to hearing your feedback on using them, price, satisfaction, etc. Today, we tried flying in Horizon mode and wow, that gives the quad a whole new dimension. My son (he's 21) is more advanced at this point than I am, I had to go back to angle mode as Im still learning the basics, flying in circles, etc. Anyhow, we are both eager to move on to the FPV flying with goggles after we master controlled flying.
I was wondering what the inside of my bird looked like. Glad to see you here and its cool that you have the R220, it will be nice to compare stories. Thats an interesting fix to your problem, so far I have not experienced any.....knock on wood. The reality is if you fly them its only a matter of time before you will need to replace something.
I have not left angle mode as I too am working towards just getting the basics down.
I did buy the goggles that ViFly have on their site and I have been quite happy with them. With that said my time with them is very limited. They are the Marvel Vision 5.8GHZ FPV goggles.
I saw a video from ViFly that shows a DVR hooked up to a R220. In the video you can see that the wires hook up to the smaller port on the DVR and there is only three wires, red, yellow, and black. I am currently searching for a wire that is complete so I can just plug up and go. The guys from ViFly should have information on a connection, I'm gonna email them right now.
Glad you are here.

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