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Drone from China

Hey Guy's Finally got mine Today!!
AND as you warned me a balance plug got ripped off (I had it tucked in but it didnt help) anyways, Has anyone tried to use the swb switch to "arm" and "disarm" the quad rather than the throttle?
The reason I ask is I saw a video of a preproduction model with that setup and I really like it, that way if you land,crash etc you just flip the (2nd switch on left) and disarm it. I do know it is the AUX switch that it needs to be programmed to I just don't know How!

Any help would be great
Initially I thought the same thing, and had mine on an aux switch. But it is way faster to use the throttle. I would suggest leaving disarm on the throttle and programming a switch to do "failsafe" and set failsafe to zero throttle. That way you can do either one.
Glad you got it Mark, hope you like it. I have really enjoyed mine. I bought 6 more batteries last week, that brings me to 9 total. I have stuck a rubber band on each one to keep that balance lead secured.

I like that idea tGO, I may go that route.
I understand what your saying,I think it is already setup on failsafe (ch6) what I don't like is when you arm the quad the rotors spin full time, The vid. I watched he flipped the switch,they spun for 1 sec and stopped then he gave it throttle as needed.I just thought it was a bit easier being able to just flip the switch that was all.
Thank you for the help
Thank's Scott...I did however take a small ziptie and keep the xt60 cable and the balance cable together and has solved the issue till I come up with something else.
I have 4 batts for now will order more soon!!
I understand what your saying,I think it is already setup on failsafe (ch6) what I don't like is when you arm the quad the rotors spin full time, The vid. I watched he flipped the switch,they spun for 1 sec and stopped then he gave it throttle as needed.I just thought it was a bit easier being able to just flip the switch that was all.
Thank you for the help

Toggle the "motor stop" option and they won't spin on arm.
Sorry to sound like a "dummy" but they don't send any instructions with the radio so it's kinda hard to navigate
Once you connect in betaflight, go to the receiver tab and toggle the switch you want to use and see which aux channel moves. Then go to modes tab and set Arm to that aux channel by setting the range sliders to the desired switch position and hit save. Test if the Arm icon lights up when you put the switch in the desired position. Done.
OH.OH.OH gotcha!
No I dont have that yet so I will go and do that next!
Another dumb question..Do I have to have a cable (plug on backside of radio) to be able to do this?
Ok that part is set up what else do I need to download from them

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