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Drone from China

right on, thank's for the help.
Don't want to keep you Ill do some checking online etc to figure it out.
Again thank's for the help

tGO, all if this is confusing to me. Is there a place I can go to read about beta flight and try to understand this?
Scott and Reaper,

Go to the video link I'm providing and at 8:52 you'll see "Motor_Stop". Go to that page and turn motor stop on and your motors won't spin up until you take your left stick and move it to the lower right corner. Always make sure your stick is all the way down or it won't start at all.

This video is really good but I wouldn't suggest using it to change your settings. Your bird and flying style will be very different than his. I just used it so I could show you where motor stop is located.

Personally, I leave it off but I have set one of my switches to arm and disarm so it's not an issue for me.


Thanks Jerry. I need to start at the beginning, gonna search tha Youtube.
Thanks guy's for the help.
I have downloaded Betaflight and when I plug my quad in it doesnt see my receiver and I cant find it on the dropdown menu either, so i'm a bit lost at this point
I have no idea what driver so that where i stopped :eek:
it is set at 115200 though
Sorry, so is your flight contriller connecting and it is just your receiver isnt showing up? You may need to connect your quad battery to power the receiver. Be sure to take props off.
I'm at the shop right now and will have to mess with it when I get home. It is all on my laptop
According to their website it looks like it may come with cleanflight, not betaflight. There is a separate chrome app for that (basically identical). You should try that one first probably, but you still need the same driver. Then you can backup your settings through the cleanflight app. After that you could flash betaflight if you want but would need to configure everything like they had it in cleanflight. I would probably just use cleanflight for a while since it is all configured for you. You can just do some tweaks to get it how you like.
I did download clean flight last night as well so I'll take a look tonight
I'm not going to try and get to fancy with settings for anything else just doing a firmware update on the radio (make 10 ch. Vs. 6) and change up some switches
That's it though
Hey Guy's I flew the drone tonight when I got home it hit the ground (not to hard and flipped over)
When I tried to arm it I get nothing.
Switched batteries,turned off radio tried again and nothing...any Ideas

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