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Extremly weird flight behavior!


May 28, 2020
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Hey I recently build a quad with a cc3d and cleanflight on it. Today I took it for a maiden flight and had a really strange behavior I didnt expected. The quad is extremely wobbly and not stable at all in the air. My first guess was that some screws were loose or the FC is vibrating but my FC is not vibrating at all and I even have some damping spaces on the setup. The screws are also all tight... I did som reseach but nothing found. I have my FC mounted on a 3D printed base and I will include some fotage of the wobbling and the mount. If you have any suggestions pls help! PS: the video is in horizon mode!

Just a quick idea use a smaller battery , looks like you have a 2200 mah and its not centered on your quad . center it better or a smaller 1300 -1500 mah lighter battery centered better on quad also . Quad just might be fighting that balance , it's a small motor spread .
Just a quick idea use a smaller battery , looks like you have a 2200 mah and its not centered on your quad . center it better or a smaller 1300 -1500 mah lighter battery centered better on quad also . Quad just might be fighting that balance , it's a small motor spread .
I will try... I have a 1300mAh battery. But I stripped the battery really tight.
Just a quick idea use a smaller battery , looks like you have a 2200 mah and its not centered on your quad . center it better or a smaller 1300 -1500 mah lighter battery centered better on quad also . Quad just might be fighting that balance , it's a small motor spread .
No this isnt it. Just checked that I have the cener of gravity directly in the middle. But could it be that the wobble comes from the FC not beeing directly in the middle? @gordman
I thought two much out of center would make the drone fight that much more to keep balance in the motor output . So if its a stock setting that clean flight offers and it's not pid settings you selected , I'm curious myself how it could be pid's . And I don't think the board out of center has anything to do with it , if the boards are like a heli , you have to start up on a flat level surface and don't bump it on initial start up . And you were in taller grass in video , try starting it off a flat piece of cardboard out in grass . I'm more a novice and curious too , and my suggestions are just basic thoughts .
I thought two much out of center would make the drone fight that much more to keep balance in the motor output . So if its a stock setting that clean flight offers and it's not pid settings you selected , I'm curious myself how it could be pid's . And I don't think the board out of center has anything to do with it , if the boards are like a heli , you have to start up on a flat level surface and don't bump it on initial start up . And you were in taller grass in video , try starting it off a flat piece of cardboard out in grass . I'm more a novice and curious too , and my suggestions are just basic thoughts .
I will try to start at a level surface and maybe also swap out the FC, I have anotherone laying around!
I thought two much out of center would make the drone fight that much more to keep balance in the motor output . So if its a stock setting that clean flight offers and it's not pid settings you selected , I'm curious myself how it could be pid's . And I don't think the board out of center has anything to do with it , if the boards are like a heli , you have to start up on a flat level surface and don't bump it on initial start up . And you were in taller grass in video , try starting it off a flat piece of cardboard out in grass . I'm more a novice and curious too , and my suggestions are just basic thoughts .
Starting on a leveled surface doesnt help!
DO you have a good source for fixing the pid's in cleanflight? Thanks! @HighTechPauper
Sorry @Mopele, I don't, cleanflight is a bit before my time and I would think a fresh flash on the FC would have had reasonable PID's in place for most 5" quads that would work fair on any build. If I had this issue I would try reducing one PID's at a time in half to see if it was more stable and go from there.

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